
  • 网络infantile malnutrition
  1. 目的:评价针刺四缝穴治疗小儿疳证的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect of acupuncture at Sifeng ( EX-UE 10 ) on infantile malnutrition .

  2. 首先将疳证作为儿科专有疾病者,为宋初《太平圣惠方》。

    The first book , which classified infantile malnutrition as one specialized disease of paediatrics was Peaceful Holy Benevolent Prescriptions of the early Song Dynasty .

  3. 通过多年来根据小儿厌食证、泄泻、缺铁性贫血、疳证的各种证候特点而采用的相应的调治方法,经临床验证,疗效确切。

    Clinical practice has demonstrated that it has good effects in the treatment of infantile anorexia , diarrhea , ion deficiency anemia and infantile malnutrition .

  4. 小儿脾胃病在中医儿科各系统疾病中为发病率位居第二的常见病、多发病,该系统疾病常见病种包括厌食、积滞、疳证、泄泻、腹痛、便秘、口疮等。

    In the system of TCM pediatric diseases , the incidence of spleen-stomach diseases ranks second . Anorexia , Indigestion , Malnutrition , Diarrhea . Abdominal Pain , Constipation , Mouth Sores are the common disease .

  5. 祖国医学对银屑病的发病认为与外感六淫、内伤七情、饮食劳倦等综合影响的结果。②伤食积疳,同病异证分轻重;

    TCM indicates that psoriasis is the integrated result of the six exogenous factors , the seven emotional factors , improper diet , overstrain , stress and lack of physical exercise and so on . 2 . different syndromes cause by the same disease of malnutrition due to improper diet ;
