
wài ɡuó rén dài yù
  • treatment of aliens
  1. 国民待遇是国际法上一国给予外国人待遇标准中的一种,是国际经济交往长期发展的历史产物。

    National treatment is one of the treatments that country offers to foreigners in international law . It is the historical product of international economic association .

  2. 对东道国而言,对外资的待遇标准实际上就是外国人待遇标准在国际投资领域的具体体现和运用,构成一国法律环境的基础和核心。

    For host countries , the standard of international investment treatment is actually that of foreigner treatment which reflects in the field of international investment and forms the base of the state 's law environment .

  3. 为什么中国人遭受外国人的不公平待遇和伤害时,仍然对外国人那么友好?

    Why must the Chinese be nice and friendly to foreigners even when foreigners are being unfair and hurtful towards Chinese ?

  4. 本文以此为导引,围绕外国人的管辖、外国人的待遇、外交和领事保护等基本问题,从国际法和国内法两个不同的角度展开了全面而深入的分析。

    This paper tries to make , on a theoretical basis , a comprehensive analysis of the jurisdiction of the aliens , the treatment of the aliens , the diplomatic protection and the consular protection .

  5. 他是个外国人,所以受到对待外国人的待遇。

    He was a foreigner and was treated as such .