
wài wù bù
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  1. 总之,外务部虽是半殖民地性质,但是在外交活动中有积极表现。

    Although the department of foreign affairs is semi - colonial , it has positive expression in diplomatic campaign .

  2. 在财政十分困难的情况之下,外务部和商部还是独立承办了米兰赛会参与事务。

    The Foreign Affairs Bureau and Business Bureau of Qing Dynasty independently handled this affair under the condition of financial crisis .

  3. 在与中国、俄罗斯关系紧张之际,日本任命松本刚明为新任外务部大臣。

    Japan has named a new Foreign Minister , Takeaki Matsumoto , at a challenging time for ties with China and Russia .

  4. 外务部由总理衙门改组而来。它继承了总理衙门时期外交专门化的成果并有所发展。

    The department of foreign affairs inherits the accomplishment achieves in the period of the department of premier , and develops it .

  5. 文中通过列表,比较学生、绅商、巡抚与外务部的方案,来看袁世凯方案的可行性。

    In the text , by comparison List students and merchant , governor and external programs , we will find that the feasibility of the program .

  6. 外务部的建立在反映资本主义列强扩张要求的同时,也在相当程度上满足了清政府改革求变的愿望。

    The establishment of The Foreign Ministry not only reflects the expansionism of capitalist country , but also satisfies the requirement that Qing government wants to change by reformation .

  7. 外务部是在列强直接要求之下成立的。作为清末十年的中央外交机关,其半殖民性质自然毋庸讳言。

    The department of foreign affairs is set up under requirement of foreign powers . As the central diplomatic establishments of the Qing Dynasty in final decade , its property is semi-colonial .

  8. 随着科举制度的废除与学部的成立,学部与外务部成为管理海外修学旅游的主要机构,表现出稳定性、规范性和成熟性的特点。

    Along with the abolition of the civil service examination system and the establishment of the study department , the department and the Ministry of the External Affairs became the main agencies to supervise the oversea learning-travelling policy .

  9. 但是,在清政府越来越依靠外交支撑其存在的情况下,外务部要面对列强步步紧逼的侵略要求造成的统治危机和国内兴起的民众运动。

    In condition that Qing state more and more relies on the diplomatic , the department of foreign affairs has to facing the dominance crisis and home masses movement , which is risen by the aggression requirement of foreign powers .