
wài jiāo guān xì
  • diplomatic relations
外交关系[wài jiāo guān xì]
  1. 他设想在未来可以建立直接的外交关系。

    He envisages the possibility of establishing direct diplomatic relations in the future

  2. 他们将讨论恢复外交关系的可能性。

    They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations

  3. 两国断绝了一切外交关系。

    The two countries have severed all diplomatic links .

  4. 这两个西非国家两年前已经中断了外交关系。

    The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago

  5. 他的政府对国际外交关系充满信心。

    His government is placing its faith in international diplomacy .

  6. 他任职于外交关系委员会。

    He was on the Council of Foreign Relations .

  7. 新加坡和南非已经建立了外交关系。

    Singapore and South Africa have established diplomatic relations .

  8. 外交关系直到今年8月才解冻。

    Diplomatic relations were frozen until August this year .

  9. 墨西哥是个世俗国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。

    Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican

  10. 两国恢复了正常的外交关系。

    The two countries resumed normal diplomatic relations

  11. 英国和阿根廷重新建立了外交关系。

    Britain and Argentina reopened diplomatic relations .

  12. 迫于形势他只好宣称愿意恢复外交关系。

    He bowed to the inevitable and announced that he was willing to resume diplomatic relations .

  13. 巴西恢复了与南非的外交关系,以示对其采取措施结束种族隔离的正式认可。

    Brazil normalised its diplomatic relations with South Africa in recognition of the steps taken to end apartheid

  14. 这个变化将意味着该国断绝与其他国家的正式外交关系。

    The change will mean that the country no longer has full diplomatic relations with other states .

  15. 这两个国家一年前恢复了外交关系。

    These two countries restored diplomatic relations with each other one year ago .

  16. 双方商定建立大使级外交关系。

    The two sides have agreed to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level .

  17. 在两国外交关系建立之前,已经有些间接的接触。

    There were some mediate contacts between the two countries before their diplomatic relation was established .

  18. 我们与那个国家断绝了外交关系

    We have severed diplomatic relations with that country .

  19. 曾任外交关系委员会(CouncilonForeignRelations)国际事务研究员,及国际货币基金组织访问学者。

    He was an international affairs fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .

  20. 当人们就某些外交关系是否明智询问土耳其高官时,他们会提到巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)。

    Ask high-ranking Turkish officials as to the wisdom of some of these relationships and they refer to Barack Obama .

  21. 领导参议院外交关系委员会的民主党人JohnKerry表示:“尽管美国在阿富汗有着真正的民族利益,我们的军队和资金方面的付出的比例已经远远超出我们的利益,是不可持续的。”

    Democrat John Kerry , who heads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee , said , " While the United States has

  22. 根据《与台湾关系法》(TaiwanRelationsAct),美国应当向台湾提供武器,供其自卫。该法于1979年中美建立全面外交关系后由美国国会批准通过。

    The US is required to provide the island with arms to defend itself under the Taiwan Relations Act , passed by Congress after Washington and Beijing established full diplomatic ties in 1979 .

  23. 自理查德尼克松(richardnixon)于上世纪70年代恢复美国与中国的外交关系以来,波音就一直处在中美关系的中心位置。

    Since Richard Nixon restored diplomatic ties with China in the 1970s , Boeing has been at the crux of US-China relations .

  24. 克林顿(BillClinton)政府和布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府都坚持朝鲜必须在美国同意与其建立外交关系前放弃发展核武。

    The U.S.under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W.Bush insisted that North Korea give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons before Washington agreed to diplomatic ties .

  25. 在上述消息之后,伯南克(benbernanke)在外交关系委员会发表讲话时呼吁全球采取协同行动,全面改革金融体系。

    Following this news , Ben Bernanke called for co-ordinated global action to overhaul the financial system in a speech to the Council on foreign relations .

  26. 美国参议院外交关系委员会主席约翰克里(johnkerry)呼吁在利比亚的外国石油公司停产,并建议美国重新对该国实施制裁。

    John Kerry , chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee , called for oil companies to halt operations in Libya and suggested the US reimpose sanctions on Tripoli .

  27. MatthewWaxman是哥伦比亚大学法律副教授,也是外交关系委员会高级成员。

    Matthew Waxman is a Columbia University associate law professor and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations .

  28. “全球似乎正朝着汇率相关贸易措施形成一种趋势,美国看上去越来越有可能出台相关立法,”美国外交关系协会(councilonforeignrelations)高级研究院泰德奥尔登(tedalden)表示。

    " There seems to be a global trend developing towards currency-related trade measures , and legislation in the US looks more and more plausible , " said Ted Alden , senior fellow at the Council on foreign relations .

  29. 经历了10年战争的美国已经变了模样:受制于创纪录的财政赤字,且用美国外交关系委员会(CouncilofForeignRelations)主席理查德哈斯(RichardHaass)的话来说,饱受干涉疲劳症之苦。

    The US is a different country today after 10 years of war , struggling with record deficits and suffering from intervention fatigue , in the words of Richard Haass , president of the Council on Foreign Relations think-tank .

  30. 对于一些由于伊拉克和阿富汗战争而外交关系紧张的国家,SteveHeydemann说克里有机会建立国际合作关系。

    With some diplomatic ties strained by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , Steve Heydemann says Kerry has an opportunity to build on international cooperation .