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  • 网络amoi;Amoisonic
  1. 夏新笔记本电脑事业经过前期的积累,目前已经具备一定的研发、生产能力,已从OEM厂商转型为主板级的研发制造厂商。

    With the accumulation in earlier period , Amoi has been transferred successfully from an OEM to a Motherboard-Grade manufacturer , with the capacity of self-research and self-manufacturing .

  2. 第二部分对夏新电子的历史和现状进行了简要分析。

    The second part presents the history and present of AMOI .

  3. 夏新:培育红海中的快速反应能力

    Amoi : Rapid Reaction Ability is Essential to Compete in Red Ocean

  4. 但是地铁卡本身代表着人们的移动,而夏新的这个设计却代表着休息。

    And while the MetroCard is a source of movement for people , Shaheen 's creation is a place of rest .

  5. 目前国内市场上联想、华为、夏新等多家智能手机生产商都采用的是该系列的平台。

    In current , such as Lenovo , Huawei and Amoi many smart phone manufacturers in the domestic market all use the series platform .

  6. 本文第四部分,该部分是本文的核心部分,其主要内容包括:亏损上市公司盈余管理主要手段的总结以及夏新公司案例分析。

    It includes : the summaries of the methods of the earnings management of the loss listed companies and analysis of Xia Xin Company .

  7. 以夏新电子为例,对盈余管理识别的模糊综合评价模型进行验证。最后,结论。

    To Amoi Electronics , for example , recognition of the earnings management model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to verify . Finally , conclusion .

  8. 这张椅子其实是钢架结构的,但在夏新的设计下,看起来好像仅仅是数万张地铁卡搭造起来的。

    Metrobench has a base made out of steel , but Shaheen designed it in such a way that it appears to be created solely from MetroCards .

  9. 并结合夏新电子的实例,对建立财务预警组织机构、构建财务信息收集分析机制、构建财务风险处理机制进行了案例分析。

    The paper have provided Amoi with examples of organizations in establishing financial early warning , building financial information collection and analysis mechanisms , financial risk management mechanism .

  10. 本文分别从应计利润和线下项目两个角度,讨论了亏损上市公司盈余管理的主要手段,并且结合这些手段对夏新公司的案例进行分析。

    The paper basis on the accruals and below the line , discussing the main methods of the loss listed companies and carrying out analysis on the Xia Xin company using these methods .

  11. 夏新电子公司最大的业务是在国内市场推销自主品牌手机,同索尼-爱立信、诺基亚以及天宇和中兴等本土手机品牌正在展开一场激战。

    Amoi 's biggest business is branded mobile phones for the domestic Chinese market , where it is locked in a fierce battle with Sony-Ericcson , Nokia and local players such as Tianyu and ZTE .

  12. 本文运用统计分析的方法和价值分析的方法,对夏新04年6、7月份库存进行解析,具体分析了夏新当前的物流体系的总体状况,以及当前物流状况对公司价值体现的影响。

    In this article , statistic analysis and value analysis methods have been applied to study the inventory of Amoi in June-July , 2004 , the general situation of the logistics system of Amoi , as well as its impact on the company value performance .

  13. 根据市场的需求,设计一款数字功率放大器是夏新公司2002底的一个项目,要求2003年5-6月上市。作为项目负责人,主要从以下几个方面考虑:1、外观时尚、轻小;

    Because of the requirement of the market , in the end of 2002 , the project of the digital amplifier was started , required to finish in June , 2003.The project was wished to achieve : 1 . The face must be light and beautiful ;

  14. 针对夏新物流体系中存在的缺陷,本文从组织结构和流程设计、预测与计划管理、供应物流管理、生产物流管理和仓储物流管理系等方面对夏新未来的物流发展策略进行了介绍和局部研究。

    Aiming at the existing defect of the logistics system of Amoi , the author has introduced and analyzed the future logistics strategy of Amoi in organizational framework , process design , forecasting and plan management , supplier logistics management , production logistics management and warehousing logistics management .

  15. 此文通过对竞争战略的研究和宏微观环境的分析,阐述了国产手机发展过程中存在的问题;运用波特的五力模型和市场占有率分析,提出了夏新手机的市场定位。

    The article expounded the problems of domestic mobile phone manufacturer in the development course by research on competitive strategy and analysis of macroscopical and microcosmic environment . Through using Porter Model and analysis of market occupancy rate , the article brought forward marketable position of Amoi mobile phone .