
fù shì
  • Retest;reexamine;secondary examination;hold an reexamination
复试 [fù shì]
  • [secondary examination] 分两次进行的考试的第二次考试

复试[fù shì]
  1. 第二段为复试(深度考核),由招生单位在教育主管部门制定的框架下自主组织。

    The second section is the reexamine ( depth examination ), the recruit students unit in the education departments under the framework to autonomous organize .

  2. 二次复试抽样法在坏筒检验上的应用

    Application of Double Sampling Method for Testing the Defective Cone

  3. 会试后一般要举行复试。

    Generally , all of the gongshis would be reexamined .

  4. 医学教育现代化模拟实验室在研究生复试中的应用

    Application of medical education modern simulation laboratory in postgraduate reexamination

  5. 铜章复试年带〔英国皇家救生会〕

    Bar to Bronze Medallion [ Royal Life Saving Society ]

  6. 我觉得进行得满顺利的他们要我周四复试。

    I think it went well . I got a callback for thursday .

  7. 完善临床专业研究生复试考核方法是医学研究生教育的一项重要工作。

    Perfect reexamination of graduates in medical postgraduate education is an important task .

  8. 围绕着研究生复试问题,学者们展开了一定的讨论,发表了一些不同的看法。

    Scholars talk about the second round of examination and express different opinions .

  9. 以预调查和正式调查为试验&复试样本验证了研究结果的可靠性。

    The reliability is tested by comparing the result of pre-investigation and formal investigation .

  10. 医学硕士学位研究生复试线的统计规律分析

    Statistics law analysis of entrance examination accepting line for mater 's degree postgraduate candidates

  11. 常规法与细菌集菌法复试无菌检测中可疑阳性样品的结果比较

    Results Comparison of Retesting the Doubtful Positive Samples with Conventional Test and Bacteria-collecting Test

  12. 旋转台钢梯车操作复试操纵转台或使铁路货车转轨用绞盘

    Re-qualification of turntable ladder operator capstan for operating turntables or for shunting railway wagons

  13. 复试时你可能有更多的机会问问题。

    You will likely have more opportunity to ask questions in the second interview .

  14. 这一问题是对文科类硕士研究生复试可行性的检验。

    This problem isto test feasibility of the master graduate students of liberal arts .

  15. 如果复试包括了一系列的面试,不要惊讶。

    Don 't be surprised if the second interview is actually a series of interviews .

  16. 评价中心对研究生复试的启迪

    Assessment Center and Regularize Postgraduate Reexamination

  17. 在穿靴子参加面试的情况下,她没有接到一个通知她复试的电话。

    She didn 't obtain a single shriek back to a ordinal interview when she wore the boots .

  18. 复试中,普遍情况是也许被问及自己过去表现的问题。

    In the second interview , they may ask behavioral questions , which are commonly asked in second interviews .

  19. 在初次或复试中请雇佣者对你介绍一下未来的同事。

    Ask a potential employer to introduce you to your future co-workers either on the initial or secondary interview .

  20. 儿子和我们一家人都在激动和忐忑中等待着复试的到来。

    My son and other family members were excitedly and nervously looking forward to the coming of the final interview .

  21. 如果你接到了复试的通知,那么从你通过以后你就可以提出任何敏感的问题了。

    If you 're invited for a second interview , you can broach any sensitive topics from your past then .

  22. 要知道,许多的雇主会让多名候选人一同进行复试以简化程序。

    Be aware that many employers bring in several candidates on the same day to streamline the second interview process .

  23. 复试包括面试、英语听力测试、专业课程考试和体检。

    The second-round exam includes exam of test of audition of interview , english , special training course and check-up .

  24. 单科成绩和总成绩都过了国家统一的分数线,才能参加复试。

    Only branch grade and total achievement crossed the fractional line with unitary state , ability attends a second-round exam .

  25. 你已成功通过了求职的首轮面试,现在又收到通知参加复试。你觉得会有什么在等待着你?

    You were successful in your first job round interview , and you have been called back for a second interview .

  26. 复试的一个主要目的是考察我们是否符合公司文化的要求。

    An important function of second-round job interviews is to find out whether we fit with the employer 's company culture .

  27. 有些专家建议和公司内部人士交谈是准备复试的最有效方法之一。

    Some experts suggest that talking with company insiders is one of the most productive ways to prepare for a second interview .

  28. 面对诸多问题,进而把医学教育现代化模拟实验室应用在研究生招生复试中,并取得了很好的效果。

    Facing many problems , the authors have applied the medical education modern simulation laboratory in postgraduate reexamination and acquired good results .

  29. 本文在实证调查研究的基础上,对硕士研究生复试制度进行初步的探讨。

    The paper has carried a preliminary discussion on the graduate student re-examination system which based on the empirical survey and study .

  30. 公务员考试,包括两个步骤:笔试(初试)和面试(复试)。

    In order to get a civil service job in China , there are two steps : written exam and personal interview .