
  • 网络Complex Password
  1. 迁移密码或选择复杂密码会提供更好的网络安全性。

    Migrating a password or selecting a complex password provide better network security .

  2. 该文通过剖析键盘接口原理,提出了一种基于键盘接口技术的复杂口令自动登录新方法,解决了上述提及的复杂密码难记的问题。

    This paper , by analyzing the theories of keyboard interface invents a new methodology to solve the above-mention problem which is called complex password to automatic register system based on keyboard interface technique .

  3. 企业级&支持加密存储、密码过期、密码历史以及复杂密码。

    Enterprise – support for encrypted storage , password expiration , password history and complex passwords .

  4. 如果怀疑此帐户的使用存在欺骗性,应立即使用复杂密码更改帐户密码。

    If you suspect that this account is being used fraudulently , change the account password immediately using complex passwords .

  5. SplashData发布这份榜单是为了鼓励大家使用复杂的密码。

    The data was released to encourage the adoption of stronger passwords .

  6. 因为安全理由,我们已经为你产生一个复杂的密码。

    For security reason , we have generated a complicated password for you .

  7. 如今,任何人都在用的浏览器,也是由一套复杂的密码系统支持运行的。

    Today , anyone with a modern web browser is running a pretty sophisticated cryptosystem .

  8. 要求登录者使用不能被轻易破解的长且复杂的密码,出现多次重复的登录请求后封锁帐户。

    require long , complex passwords that cannot be easily cracked , and lock accounts after repeated login requests .

  9. 在“研讨会”上展示的来自微软研究者的另一项研究解释到为什么只有一些组织有极度复杂的密码。

    Another study by Microsoft researchers , presented at the symposium , explains why only some organizations have overly complicated passwords .

  10. 这一结果表明基于身份的数字签名方案可以作为安全的密码原语用于构建更复杂的密码协议。

    This result shows that an identity-based signature scheme can be used as a primitive block to design more complicated cryptographic protocols .

  11. 此窗口允许您为迁移组成员设置密码选项。迁移密码或选择一个复杂的密码提供更好的网络安全性。

    This window allows you to set your password options for migrating group members . Migrating a password or selecting a complex password provide better network security .

  12. 如果您尝试复杂的密码(或者最好是传递阶段),您可能没有收获。

    If you were to try a password ( or better yet a pass-phrase ) that had any complexity to it , odds are that you 'd get nothing back .

  13. 它是目前最为方便与安全的识别技术,它认定的是人本身,不需要记住复杂的密码,也不需随身携带其它身外的东西。

    Because do not need to remember complex passwords , nor need to carry other things around them except themselves , biometric identification technique has become the most promising candidate .

  14. 推荐你使用像1Password这样的密码管理工具,你只需要记住一个密码,其余密码让工具帮你记忆,这样你就可以设置更复杂的密码了。

    Use a password manager like 1Password so you only have to remember one password and it will remember all the other ones for you . This allows you to create complex passwords .

  15. 意料之中的是,使用复杂的长密码也更为可靠。

    Using a long and complex password is also unsurprisingly more secure .

  16. 一种多项式时间复杂度的密码协议秘密性验证方法

    An Algorithm with Polynomial Time Complexity for Verifying Secrecy Properties of Cryptographic Protocols

  17. 第一台现代计算机的诞生,就是为了破解复杂的数学密码。

    The creation of the first modern computer is for decrypting complex mathematic ciphers .

  18. 现代加密算法必须更为复杂,因为密码文本常用户保护价值数十万或数百万美元计的信息。

    Modern encryption algorithms are necessarily more sophisticated because the ciphertext may often be protecting information worth thousands or millions of dollars .

  19. 与女性相比,男性选择复杂的长密码的可能性更高。但是有趣的是,右撇子和左撇子用户创造的图形并未有很大不同。

    Men were more likely than women to choose long and complicated patterns , but interestingly there was little difference between the patterns chosen by right-handed and left-handed participants .

  20. Ostrander博士说,“如果我们能够破译象狗的毛发一样具有复杂特征的遗传密码,那么我们同样能够破译在复杂疾病中起作用的遗传密码。”

    Ostrander said . " If we can decipher the genetic basis for a complex trait such as the dog 's coat , we believe that we can do it as well with complex diseases . "

  21. 几类复杂动力学系统的密码分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Several Cryptographic Schemes Based on Complex Dynamic Systems

  22. 密码自动产生器对于产生复杂而合理的密码,非常有用。

    The Automatic Password Generator can be helpful in generating reasonably complex passwords .

  23. 有限域上的算术运算在密码学、纠错编码理论等领域扮演着重要的角色,特别是在基于复杂运算的公钥密码体制中,高效的有限域运算尤为重要,如椭圆曲线密码体制的实现。

    Finite field arithmetic has gained much attention in cryptography and error correcting codes , especially in public key cryptography based on complex arithmetic such as Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems .

  24. 复杂而精巧的密码分析,引领战争走出了旧世界,但这并不是唯一的例子。

    The intricacy and sophistication of their cryptanalysis was the most extreme example , but this was not the only sphere in which machinery was taking the war out of the old world of duty and self-sacrifice .