
fù chóu zhǔ yì
  • revanchism
复仇主义[fù chóu zhǔ yì]
  1. 这种复仇主义深深影响了他的日常生活和精神状态。

    This kind of " revanchism " deeply affected his daily life and mental status .

  2. 但无论是在小说、散文、杂文还是在其书信、日记中我们都能看出一个更深层次的主题,那就是决绝的,甚至有些固执的复仇主义倾向。

    No matter in novel , prose , essays , or in his letters , diaries , we can find a deeper level subject that is renounces even some tenacious " revanchism " tendency .

  3. 往东,与苏格兰人一样勇敢和足智多谋的波罗的海国家,尽管是欧盟和北约(Nato)成员国,但在复仇主义俄罗斯的熊爪面前仍然自觉脆弱。

    Further east , the Baltic states , brave and resourceful as the Scots , are members of the EU and Nato but still feel vulnerable to the bear 's paw of a revanchist Russia .

  4. 该机构不附属于任何政党,也不是一个复仇主义组织。

    The institute is not affiliated with any political party , and is not a revanchist movement .

  5. 但是,面对夸耀自己的核武器、沉迷于复仇主义的俄罗斯,以及伊朗和其他国家持续存在的核扩散威胁,那是不明智的。

    But in the context of a revanchist Russia that boasts of its nuclear arsenal and with the continued threat of nuclear proliferation by Iran and others that would be unwise .

  6. 但是至于他对大亨们和他们飞机的偶然的嘲讽,作为总统的他不会,也许将永远不会成为他的党派所梦想的复仇平等主义者。

    But for all his occasional digs at the fat cats and their jets , this president is not and will probably never be the avenging egalitarian the left of his party dreams of .