
  1. 第五部分是公益信托的受托人的特殊性,主要表现在:公益信托的受托人的确定和辞任需经批准;受托人对处理信托事务和财产状况的报告义务;

    The trustee is liable to report on the trust management and situation of trust property ;

  2. 原受托人处理信托事务的权利和义务,由新受托人承继。

    The new trustee shall inherit the rights and obligations of handling the trust affairs of the former trustee .

  3. 受托人处理信托事务所产生债务,债权人要求清偿该债务的;

    Where the creditors demand repayment of the debts incurred by the trustee in the course of handling trust business ;

  4. 信任关系的实质是受托人的信赖义务,具体表现为忠实义务、善良管理人的注意义务、亲自处理信托事务的义务以及分别管理的义务。

    The essence of fiduciary relationship is the trustees ' fiduciary duties , including duty of loyalty , duty of dealing with trust matter with utmost diligence , duty to act personally and duty to manage separately .

  5. 第七十一条公益信托终止的,受托人作出的处理信托事务的清算报告,应当经信托监察人认可后,报公益事业管理机构核准,并由受托人予以公告。

    Article71if the public trust terminates , the liquidation report on the handling of trust affairs made by the trustee shall be reported to the regulatory agency of public undertakings for ratification after the trust supervisor recognizes , and the trustee shall make public announcement .

  6. 本章主要从我国信托法,信托主体性的立法处理以及信托公示制度三个方面展开分析。

    The suggestions are proposed to three aspects as follows : Trust Law of China , the solution of legal entity quality of Trust in legislation and the Trust Publicity system .

  7. 处理,管理遵照遗嘱或官方任命管理或处理(信托财产或地产)

    To manage or dispose of ( a trust or an estate ) under a will or an official appointment .