
  • 网络DAB;Audio Broadcast;DSB
  1. 地面数字声音广播(DAB)及其覆盖规划的考虑

    Terrestrial Digital Sound Broadcasting ( DAB ) And Consideration in Coverage Network Planning

  2. 数字声音广播(DAB)中的宽带声音压缩编码技术

    Broadband networks Wideband Audio Coding Techniques for DAB

  3. 全球范围的数字广播系统DRM(DigitalRadioMondiale),是一种针对30MHz以下频段的数字声音广播系统。

    DRM ( Digital Radio Mondiale ) is a digital audio broadcasting system for the frequency below 30 MHz .

  4. 一种Eureka-147数字声音广播系统频率捕获算法

    A Novel Frequency Acquisition Algorithm in Eureka-147 Digital Audio Broadcasting ( DAB ) System

  5. 声音广播的地位和传输技术的发展

    Place of Sound Broadcasting and Development of lts Transmission Technology

  6. GB/T17147-1997声音广播中音频噪声电平的测定

    Measurement of audio-frequency noise voltage level in sound broadcasting

  7. 香港甚么时候可以推出数码声音广播?

    When will Hong Kong launch its DAB service ?

  8. 声音广播的必由之路&数字声音广播

    The Only Way into Digital Audio Broadcasting

  9. 高质量数字声音广播系统

    High Quality Digital Audio Broadcasting System

  10. 数字声音广播的关键技术&COFDM

    Key Technique for DAB & COFDM

  11. 数字声音广播的发展

    Development of Digital Audio Broadcasting

  12. 数字声音广播

    Voice of Information FIGURE

  13. 并建议通过进一步的软件、硬件试验,确定我国的数字声音广播体制。

    The standards of digital audio broadcasting should be determined for China after the software and hardware testing .

  14. 根据国外的情况,对我国的数字声音广播发展提出几种可能途径;

    Based on the international , experiences , some possible ways are proposed on development of digital audio broadcasting for China .

  15. 这个专题网站介绍数码声音广播的基本知识及好处,为选用数码声音广播服务的人士提供指引和资讯。

    This dedicated website introduces the basics and benefits of DAB and provides guidelines and information to users for take-up of DAB services .

  16. 本文介绍声音广播的一种新形式&数字声音广播,以及世界各国在研制数字声音广播和应用领域的发展状况;

    A new kind of radio-digital audio broadcasting is presented , application and evolution of digital audio broadcasting as well as in the world .

  17. 移动通信和互联网的崛起,使无线地面广播产生新的竞争对手,甚至手机听广播看电视均已实现,模拟声音广播的市场正在受到网络媒体的冲击。

    With the grow up of mobile communication and internet , many competitors against wireless terrestrial radio appear , such as mobile digital video broadcasting etc.

  18. 发展声音广播是一个系统工程,既需要政府的重视和支持,又需要技术和内容上的创新。

    Developing the sound broadcasting is a system engineering which needs both the government 's attaching importance and giving support and the innovations in the technology and the content .

  19. 博客和社交网站把新一代人的声音广播出去,这代人选择活在公众的目光之下,世界都是透明的了。

    It 's transparent with blogs and social networks broadcasting the buzz of a whole new generation of people that have made a choice to live their lives in public .

  20. 声音和广播电视接收机电磁兼容抗扰度新旧标准的变化

    Difference Between New and Old Standard of Sound and Television Broadcast Receivers on Electromagnetic Immunity Characteristics

  21. 无论是把毛巾放在地上还是开很大声音听广播,你都需要包容对方,意识到人无完人。

    Whether it is leaving a towel on the floor or listening to the radio too loudly , you have to tolerate each other and realise that no one is perfect .

  22. 没有任何声音,除了广播和直升机的噪声。

    No sound whatsoever , but the noise of the radio and the helicopter .

  23. 声音和电视广播新技术

    New Technology on Sound and Television Broadcasting

  24. 反对的声音被禁止广播,节目内容也被严格控制。

    Dissenting voices were banned from the airwaves , and the content was strictly controlled .

  25. 逛完几个走道之后,我的朋友听到肉店老板的声音透过公共广播系统隆隆地说

    Several aisles later , my friend heard the butcher 's voice boom over th public-address system :

  26. GB/T13838-1992声音和电视广播接收机及有关设备辐射抗扰度特性允许值和测量方法

    Limits and methods of measurement of immunity characteristics to radiated interference for sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment

  27. 本文详细介绍了欧盟对声音和图像广播接收机的电磁兼容抗干扰要求以及测试方法。

    The paper introduced Immunity ( to Electro-magnetic interference ) Requirement and Test Method for Sound and Television broadcast Receivers and Associated Equipment Marketed in EU in detail .

  28. 本文就4个方面介绍了声音和电视广播新技术:(1)现行声音和电视广播的功能增强和性能改进;

    New technology on sound and television broadcasting are introduced in respect to the following four topics : ( 1 ) Function enhancement and performance improvement for conventional sound and television broadcasting ;

  29. 所以就有了电影性质的照片,CD性质的声音和宽屏的广播。

    Then there is the cinema-quality pictures , CD-quality sound and widescreen broadcasts .

  30. 该方案中,地铁列车驾驶仿真器由数据采集及输出、主控、ATC仿真、视景仿真、声音仿真、数字广播及通信仿真、运动平台控制等仿真子系统组成。

    In the solution , the simulator is composed of I / O subsystem , host computer , ATC simulator , visual subsystem , audio subsystem , digital broadcast , communication subsystem and motion base .