
shēng bì
  • vocal fold;vocal cord
声襞[shēng bì]
  1. 结论:以声襞定位法放置高位食管内支架,可以充分利用上段正常食管,比颈椎定位法更加准确、合理。

    Conclusion : To mark the upper orifice of esophagus with vocal fold can instruct the placement of upper esophageal stent .

  2. 声襞定位食管入口的解剖学观测

    Anatomic observation of vocal fold going to upper orifice of esophagus

  3. 莎拉•哈里斯:为了有效的控制声音,你的声襞会承受很大的压力。

    SARAH HARRIS : It takes quite a powerful pressure there to drive the voice efficiently .

  4. 有些声音问题有医学上的原因,比如声襞或声带上有小瘤子。

    Some voice problems have a medical cause , such as nodules on the vocal folds , or cords .

  5. 且对喉腔各部的高度及有关径线,前庭襞、声襞的长度、宽度、厚度,声门裂宽进行了测量、分析和对比。

    The height and diameter of each part in laryngeal cavity , the length , breadth and thickness of vestibular folds and vocal folds were measured , analysed and compared .

  6. 但在大多数情况下,人们的说话声音可以通过治疗、训练或参考别人的反馈得到加强或改善。有些声音问题有医学上的原因,比如声襞或声带上有小瘤子。

    But in most cases , people 's voices can be strengthened or improved through therapy , coaching or feedback . Some voice problems have a medical cause , such as nodules on the vocal folds , or cords .