
  • 网络Mexicos financial crisis;Mexico"s financial crisis
  1. imf可以根据现有的“新借款安排”条款建立一个特殊工具“新借款安排”是imf在1995年墨西哥金融危机之后建立的。

    The IMF could set up a special vehicle along the lines of its current new arrangements to borrow system set up in 1995 following the Mexican financial crisis .

  2. 墨西哥金融危机的背景、影响与教训

    Mexican Financial Crisis : Background , Influence and Lessons

  3. 利用墨西哥金融危机后的复苏经验作为参考,从而评估受亚洲金融危机影响的几个经济体系在持续复苏方面的前景。

    Assessing the prospects of Asian crisis economies for sustained economic recovery by drawing upon the experience of Mexico after the tequila crisis .

  4. 以及20世纪90年代以来的国际信贷商业银行倒闭、欧洲汇率机制危机、墨西哥金融危机和东南亚金融危机等,金融危机似乎已经成为了人类经济发展的顽症。

    What was worse , European Exchange Rate Crisis , Mexican Financial Crisis , and Asian Financial Crisis made the list even longer in 1990s .

  5. 墨西哥金融危机和东亚金融危机都有力地表明,新兴市场在利用外资的过程中,也应该加强对外资的管理。

    The financial crises in Mexico and East Asia show strongly that in using international capitals , emerging markets should strengthen their foreign capital Control at the same time .

  6. 1994年墨西哥金融危机爆发后,墨货币比索大幅贬值,使墨出口竞争力大大增强。

    After the outbreak of Mexico 's financial crisis in 1994 , Mexico 's currency , the peso was greatly devalued , thus greatly strengthening Mexico 's export competitiveness .

  7. 无论是1992-1993年的欧洲汇率体系危机、1994-1995年的墨西哥金融危机、1997-1998年的东南亚金融危机、1998年的俄罗斯金融危机还是2001年的阿根廷金融危机,都表现出极强的传染性。

    All of the crises , including ERM crisis in 1992-1993 , Mexican crisis in 1994-1995 , Asian crisis in 1997-1998 , Russian crisis in 1998 and Argentine crisis in 2001 , showed strong contagion effect .

  8. 接下来分析了典型国家的开放经验教训,主要分析了拉美债务危机、墨西哥金融危机和东南亚货币危机中的三个典型国家:智利、墨西哥和泰国,从实证的方面考察了资本项目开放的合理顺序。

    Then it analyses the experience of some typical country , including Chile , Mexico and Thailand which are the typical countries in the Latin debt crisis , Mexico finance crisis and southeast Asia currency crisis .

  9. 国际游资总是与金融动荡存在密切联系,1992年的欧洲货币体系危机、1994年底的墨西哥金融危机以及1997年席卷东南亚的货币危机无不与国际游资有关。近年来,我国经济发展势头良好。

    The hot money always contacts closely with financial risk , such as the European monetary system crisis in 1992 , the Mexican financial crisis in 1994 and the currency crisis in 1997 , which rolled up the Southeast Asia .

  10. 纵观世界各国,过度的非正当关联贷款是造成银行破产,引发金融危机的一个重要原因,东南亚金融危机、美国银行业危机、墨西哥金融危机、委内瑞拉银行业危机等事件均予以证明。

    From the international perspective , the illegal connected loan has been an important reason of the banking failures and financial institutions collapse , or example , the Southeast Asian financial crisis , Financial Crisis in Mexico , the Venezuelan banking crisis .

  11. 非实体资本的大量流入与发展中国家脆弱的金融体系结合会产生逆向选择和道德风险,极易导致银行危机和货币危机,这已被墨西哥金融危机和东南亚金融危机所证实。

    What leads to the bank crisis and money crisis easily is the reverse choice and moral hazard caused by the combination between the massive inflow of non-entity capital and the financial fragility in developing countries , which has been proved by mexico financial crisis and south-east asia crisis .

  12. 墨西哥泰国金融危机的比较

    A Comparison between Financial Crises in Mexico and Thailand

  13. 这些观点并不新颖,早在上世纪90年代墨西哥和亚洲金融危机后就提出来了。

    These ideas are not new and were proposed after the Mexican and Asian crises in the 1990s .

  14. 这三个人曾在墨西哥与亚洲金融危机上共同合作,并登上了《时代》的封面,被称之为拯救世界委员会(即鲁宾办公室墙上挂的那一张)。

    The trio worked on the Mexican and Asian financial crises and were dubbed on the cover of Time ( the one framed in Mr Rubin 's office ) " the committee to save the world " .

  15. 从日本实现资本项目自由兑换的经验以及墨西哥和东南亚金融危机的教训,可总结出发展中国家在实现资本项目自由兑换过程中面临的问题。

    The realization of currency convertibility on capital account in Japan and the recent financial crisis in Mexico and Southeast Asian countries have revealed the problems in the process of currency convertibility on capital account in the developing countries .

  16. 庞大证券资本的注入在给新兴市场国家带来益处的同时,也可能造成伤害,这一点在墨西哥和东南亚金融危机中已经得到证实。

    A large number of securities capital flowing into the newly emerging capital markets get considerably benefits , meanwhile also bring about pounding to these countries . The financial crisis brought out in Mexico and Southeast Asia Countries have confirmed this point .

  17. 其次,1994年到1995年期间墨西哥的危机表明金融危机的收入分配效应可能表现在危机积累和酝酿的过程当中。

    Secondly , the Mexican financial crisis during 1994 and 1995 indicates that the distributional effects may be manifested during the brewing process of financial crises .