
  1. 在这个阶段我们采用了信息增益法、Gini索引法和Relief算法三种属性评价方法,并在实验结果部分对三者的性能进行了比较。

    We have applied three algorithms : the information gain method , the Gini Index and the Relief method and compared their performances in the experiment result .

  2. 改进的变耦合率测增益法

    The Improved PT Method for Small Signal Gain Measurement All Changed

  3. 应用综合信息增益法提取短期地震前兆

    The extraction of short-term earthquake precursors by the integrated information gain method

  4. 一种新的去相关算法&随机空间增益法

    A New Spatial Smoothing Algorithm & Random Spatial Gain Method

  5. 红外图像全局和局部对比度增强的非线性增益法

    Non-Linear Gain Algorithm to Enhance Global and Local Contrast for Infrared Image

  6. 真耳介入增益法在聋儿助听器验配中的应用

    The application of real ear insertion gain in hearing aids fitting for deaf children

  7. 基于信息增益法的决策树构造方法

    A Decision-Tree-Construction Method Based on Information Gain

  8. 采用回避精确增益法设计高精度程控运放

    Designing High Precision Programmable Controlled Operational Amplifier by Using Method of " Dodging Accurate Gain "

  9. 分析基于不等式到达条件的选择增益法设计并以仿真验证理论分析的正确性;

    Based on inequality reaching condition , selective gain designing method is analyzed and the theoretic analysis is validated by simulation .

  10. 然后,根据离散变结构控制系统的离散趋近律到达条件和不等式到达条件,研究相应的两类离散变结构控制律设计方法:离散趋近律法和选择增益法。

    Based on the discrete asymptotic law reaching condition and inequality reaching condition of DVSC , the corresponding DVSC asymptotic law designing method and DVSC selective gain designing method are studied .

  11. 对于初选指标的甄选引入了信息增益法,剔除弱相关指标,有助于供应商的快速过滤。

    The indexes of primary selection can be selected by the method of information gain , which could eliminate the indexes irrelated and was helpful to the quick filtration of supplier .

  12. 用饱和增益开关法压缩KrF准分子激光脉冲

    Shortening of KrF Excimer Laser Pulses by Optical Gain Switching Method

  13. 水库地震的综合概率增益预测法研究

    The study on synthetic probability gain prediction method for reservoir induced earthquake

  14. 采用高频增益平衡法选择线性二次型最优控制的加权矩阵

    Weight Matrix Selection of LQG Optimal Control with High Frequency Gain Balance

  15. 再论非线性系统的等效增益分析法

    More on Analysis Method for Equivalent Gain in Nonlinear System

  16. 高频增益平衡法中正交矩阵的收敛定理

    The Asymptotic Characteristic Theorem of Quadratic Matrix in High Frequency Gain Balance

  17. 用增益钳制法观察烧孔效应

    Observation of Spectral Hole - Burning Using Gain Control

  18. 自动驾驶仪设计的传统方法是基于分段线性化的增益规划法。

    The traditional method of autopilot design is piecewise linearization based gain scheduling approach .

  19. 然后给出了基于能量检测的多天线等增益合并法分别在两种信道条件下,虚警概率和检测概率的解析表达式。

    Second , analytic expression of the false alarm probability and detection probability of multi-antenna equal gain combining energy detection method are present .

  20. 试验表明,该方法在选取与信息增益约简法同样个数的特征时,能显著提高分类的精度。

    Experiments show that it improves the classification accuracy remarkably compared to the method used in information gain at the same number of features .

  21. 为此列举炼油装置的示例,介绍了两类预估先进控制经济效益的方法,即统计分析法和静态增益优化法。

    Two categories of APC pre estimation methods are presented with examples relating to refining issues in this connection : statistical rules and the steady state gain optimization method .

  22. 对半导体激光器短电脉冲调制增益开关法产生皮秒光脉冲动力学过程进行理论分析和实验研究。

    The present paper presents the theoretical analysis and the experimental study of the dynamic behavior of picosecond optical pulse generation from gain switching semiconductor lasers under short electrical pulse modulation .

  23. 本文引用系统主回路分析的新方法&回路增益弹性法对大信号下反馈放大电路的行为特性进行讨论,并通过分析一个二阶反馈放大电路给出一般分析方法和步骤。

    In this paper , A new method of system main loop analysis is quoted to analyse the behaviour characteristic of feedback amplifier with large signal , A ordinary analysis method and steps are given .

  24. 讨论了线性二次型最优控制的加权阵选择问题,提出一种高频增益平衡法.该方法能根据给定的系统鲁棒性频率指标,选择出相应的加权矩阵。

    The discussion of weight matrix selection problem in LQG optimal control is given , and a selection method with high frequency gain balance is presented to make the system have a given frequency robustness .

  25. 动静态光源照度测量方法设计:采用动态增益调节法与量程区间控制法相结合,实现对静态光源照度的测量和对动态光源在峰值发光强度时照度的测量。

    The design of intensity measurement method on dynamic and static light sources : The static light illumination measurement and the dynamic light illumination measurement in the peak luminous intensity were completed by the method on dynamic gain adjustment combined with the range interval control .

  26. 模型参考控制系统的高增益反馈构成法

    A Model Reference Control System Constructed by High Gain Feedback Method

  27. 掺铒光纤放大器多信道增益谱迭代测试法

    The Iterative Method of Measurement on Multichannel Gain Spectrum of EDFAs

  28. 用增益介质多层分布法模拟非稳腔光束特性

    Stimulation of beam using more gain segments method in confocal unstable resonator

  29. 测量了G。652光纤的增益系数,并与小信号增益法的测量结果进行了比较。

    The gain coefficient of the conventional G.652 Single Mode Fiber ( SMF ) is measured and the measurement result is compared with that by the small signal gain method .