
  • 网络Overseas listed foreign share
  1. 公司的内资股和境外上市外资股应分别按照中国法律及本章程的规定买卖、赠与、继承和抵押。

    Selling , dotation , inheriting and mortgage of domestic share and overseas listed foreign share should be according to law and related regulation in China .

  2. 境外上市外资股在境外上市,可以采取境外存股证形式或者股票的其他派生形式。

    The foreign capital stock listed abroad may be in the form of stock deposit receipts or in other derivations .

  3. 外资股在境外上市的,称为境外上市外资股。

    Foreign capital shares which are listed overseas shall be called foreign capital shares listed overseas .