
  • 网络Fill factor;packing factor;F.F.
  1. COIL光束填充因子F的实验研究

    Experimental study on beam fill factor F of COIL

  2. 提高CCD图像传感器填充因子的微透镜阵列的研究

    Research on microlens array for improving the fill factor of CCD image sensors

  3. 通过缩短显影时间提高微透镜阵列的填充因子与F数

    Improving the Fill Factor and F Number of Refractive Microlens Array by Reducing Developing Time

  4. 在深亚微米工艺条件下,较深的n阱/p衬底结光电二极管可以提供合理的填充因子和光响应灵敏度。

    A deep junction n-well / p-substrate photodiode with a reasonable fill factor and high sensitivity are more appropriate for submicron processes .

  5. 系统地研究了周期磁聚焦束流传输网络中填充因子对强流离子加速器KV分布束晕混沌控制效果的影响。

    The effect of the filling factor on beam halo-chaos control for K-V distribution was studied .

  6. SnO2/p接触特性对a-Si太阳电池填充因子的影响

    The influence of the contact characteristic of sno_2 / p on the fill factor of solar cells

  7. 采用缩短显影时间法改善了光刻胶热熔法制作微透镜阵列的工艺,提高了折射型微透镜阵列的F数(F)与填充因子。

    The fill factor and F number of refractive microlens array fabricated by melting photoresist are increased by reducing developing time .

  8. Fresnel数对光束填充因子的影响

    Fresnel number and fill factor of laser beam in high power laser

  9. 随着LED芯片发光效率和散热技术的快速提升,显示屏分辨率越来越高,目前填充因子系数已达到10%。

    With the rapid promotion of the LED chip light-emitting efficiency and heat dissipation technology , the fill factor coefficient of the LED display has been up to10 % .

  10. 为了最大程度地改善CCD图像传感器的填充因子,进行了用于与CCD集成的微透镜阵列的光学优化设计,并与实验结果进行了对比。

    To increase the fill factor of CCD image sensor greatly , the structure of microlens array matched with the CCD is designed and compared with the experimental results .

  11. 弱碱制备ZnO的DSSC填充因子较大,开路电压随盐碱比减小而增大。

    Higher fill factor is obtained by weak alkali and the voltage increases with the decrease of rate between salt and alkali .

  12. 对于微晶硅电池,N层最好是非晶硅,这是因为一方面可以降低对电流的横向收集效应,另一方面也降低了电池的漏电概率,提高了电池的填充因子。

    As for microcrystalline silicon solar cells , the optimum choice for N layer is amorphous , because it can decrease the lateral collection effect of current on the one hand and increase the fill factor on the other hand .

  13. 填充因子对K-V分布束晕-混沌控制效果的影响

    Impact of Filling Factor on Beam Halo-chaos Control Effects in K-V Distribution

  14. 着重研究不同TiO2镀膜的厚度对染料敏化太阳能电池光电性能影响,包括光电转化效率、开路电压、短路电流、最大功率和填充因子。

    The thesis mainly focused on the effect of the different coating thickness of TiO2 on dye-sensitized solar cells performance , including the photoelectric conversion efficiency , open circuit voltage , short circuit current , maximum power and fill factor .

  15. 例如,文献[36,37]在真空相移和调谐衰减因子都固定时,研究了延迟反馈器下填充因子对K-V分布离子束的束晕控制效果的影响。

    For example , the author studied the filling factor impact on the control effect under the delayed feedback controller in ref.

  16. 研究表明:随着石墨/活性碳对电极中活性碳含量增加,转换效率(η)随之呈线性增加,而填充因子(FF)也呈抛物线增加。

    Studies show that : The conversion efficiency (η) increases linearly along with the content of active carbon in graphite / activated carbon counter electrode , while the fill factor ( FF ) parabolically increases .

  17. 研究结果表明,采用微透镜阵列可使IRCCD的填充因子达到100%。

    The calculation results show that the filling factor of 100 % for an IRCCD with a microlens array can be obtained .

  18. 如果未指定fillfactor,则使用默认填充因子100。

    If fillfactor is not specified , the default fill factor , 100 , is used .

  19. 不论是高阻ZnO还是低阻ZnO薄膜对电池的填充因子都有着重要的影响,采用优化工艺所制备的CIGS光伏电池窗口层ZnO薄膜以后,目前研制的电池转换效率已达到121%。

    Whether I films or n films , they all have important influence on fill factor of solar cells . CIGS solar cell efficiency of 12.1 % and fill factor of 64 % was achieved using the new processing for ZnO films .

  20. 初步研究了TiO2膜厚对电极光电性能的影响,探讨了开路电压,短路电流,填充因子和光电转换效率随膜厚变化的初步规律。

    The effect of the TiO_2 film thickness on the solar cell performance was primarily study . The influence of the thickness on the open circuit voltage , short circuit current , fill factor and photoelectron conversion efficiency was investigated .

  21. 在接收光学系统中,为了使APD阵列的填充因子得到改善,本文提出了用微透镜阵列代替以往常用透镜的思路。

    In the part of receiving optical system , in order to improve the filling factor of APD array , an idea that micro lens array is used to replace the previous usual lens is studied .

  22. 研究不同工况下电池的I-U特性,得出太阳能电池的填充因子约为0.58,转换效率约为8.47%。

    The fill factor of solar energy cell is almost 0.58 , and the conversion efficiency is about 8.47 % in the voltage-current characteristic experiment .

  23. 将电池设计为浅结密栅,在前表面热生长一超薄SiO2钝化层,并制作了双层减反射膜,使电池的开路电压、短路电流和填充因子都得到较大改进。

    With an ultra-thin SiO2 passivation layer on the front surface and double layer antireflection coating , the solar cell is designed with shallow junction and dense grating . The open-circuit voltage , the short-circuit current and the space factor have been remarkably improved .

  24. APS星跟踪器探测灵敏度同APS噪声源、填充因子、量化效应、频谱响应和恒星的光辐射特性有关,其中,APS噪声和APS对恒星辐射的响应特性是主要影响因素。

    The detection sensitivity of APS ( Active Pixel Sensor ) star tracker is related to APS noise source , fill factor , quantization effect , spectra response and star light radiation behavior . APS noise source and the stellar response of APS are the main influence factors .

  25. 填充因子的变化对束半径影响的模拟研究

    Simulation Investigation Effect on Beam Radius by Change of Filling Factor

  26. 百分比是30,则使用的填充因子为70。

    Percentage is30 , then the fill factor used is70 .

  27. 填充因子对核磁共振谱仪灵敏度的影响

    The effect of filling factor on sensitivity of NMR spectrometer

  28. 该结构中展示了自映像效应,填充因子决定了拍长。

    Self-imaging effect happens and the filling fraction determines the beating lengths .

  29. 光谱及太阳电池各参数与填充因子之关系

    Study the effects of spectrum and solar cell parameter on fill factor

  30. 填充因子值是1到100之间的一个百分比。

    The fill factor value is a percentage from1to100 .