
sù jiāo pǎo dào
  • plastic track;synthetic surface track
  1. 塑胶跑道对百米途中跑技术的影响

    Effect of Synthetic Surface Track on Technique of 100m Sprint

  2. 声明表示,所有在建的塑胶跑道都将暂停,有关部门要对招标过程及相关修建合同进行审查,确保质量的情况下才可继续施工。

    Construction of all synthetic racetracks are to be suspended until the bidding process and the contracts for the construction had been reviewed by authorities to ensure their quality , it said .

  3. 教育部在媒体声明中表示,已经邀请环保和质检部门利用暑假对各地学校新建的塑胶跑道进行检查,发现不达标的立即拆除。

    In a statement released to the press , Ministry1 of Education said it had invited environmental protection and quality inspection2 authorities to check all newly-built synthetic3 racetracks at schools nationwide during the upcoming summer school break , and immediately remove substandard ones .

  4. 铺设TDI聚氨酯塑胶跑道的危害与对策

    Harm of School Track Paved with TDI Polyurethane and Its Countermeasure

  5. 以聚醚多元醇、扩链剂、异氰酸酯、增塑剂、填料等为原材料,制备了MDI型双组分聚氨酯塑胶跑道用浆料。

    Two-component polyurethane synthetic-rubber track resin slurry was prepared by polyether , chain extender , MDI-based polyisocyanate , plasticizer , filler .

  6. 研究表明该MDI型塑胶跑道与传统的TDI聚氨酯塑胶跑道相比,气味小,符合环保要求,而且综合性能优越。

    The MDI-based polyurethane rubber track has little odor and better properties than those of TDI-based , it meet the environment protective require .

  7. MDI-50在塑胶跑道中的应用研究

    A Study on Application of MDI-50 in Athletic Tracks

  8. 现代100m跑技术在塑胶跑道运用的基础上,根据运动生物力学和解剖学原理逐步发展与完善。

    Modern technology of running of 100 meters develops and perfects progressively according to movement biomethanics and anatomy principle on the basis of the thing that use in the plastic runway .

  9. 以MDI-50为原料,制得复合塑胶跑道施工要求的预聚体,探讨催化剂、橡胶颗粒、增塑剂等对反应过程及制品性能的影响。

    Prepolymer based on MDI-50 for athletic tracks was prepared , the effects of catalyst , rubber granule and DOP on reaction process and product performance were also studied .

  10. 新型块状组合式塑胶跑道的研制

    Development of New Type Block Composition Plastics and Rubber Track

  11. 水池,塑胶跑道、等专用多功能区域。

    Piano classroom , Sand Pond , Plastic Track and so on .

  12. 塑胶跑道田径场的设计与施工

    Design and construction of athletics play ground with plastic track

  13. 田径运动场塑胶跑道的施工质量控制

    Construction quality control of track and field ground with plastic and adhesive track

  14. 软性塑胶跑道潜在的短跑专项力量训练价值研究

    Potential value of synthetic rubber sports track in strength training of short race

  15. 聚氨酯塑胶跑道的发展趋势浅析

    Brief Introduction of Developing Trend of Polyurethane Plastic Course

  16. 关于塑胶跑道质量指标问题的思考

    Ponderation about the Quality Index Problems of Plastic Tracks

  17. 塑胶跑道二灰碎石基层施工质量控制

    Towards the Quality Control of the Basic Construction of Second-mortar Gravel on Plastic Track

  18. 塑胶跑道的施工质量控制

    Construction quality control of plastic racetrack

  19. 户外设有嬉水池、沙池、塑胶跑道;

    It sets the children 's wading pool , plastic cement race track , sand pool outdoors .

  20. 关于体育场塑胶跑道的施工监理塑胶运动场地面的构造与施工

    CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF PLASTIC CEMENT RACE TRACKS IN A STADIUM The Structure and Construction of Synthetic Resin Track Field

  21. 软性塑胶跑道上的各种跑与跳的练习,已成为短跑及其它田径项目训练内容的一部分。

    Various running and jumping exercises on soft plastic track have been part of the training contents of sprint and other track and field items .

  22. 教育部还将协调有关部门提高校园塑胶跑道的施工要求,加大对跑道生产商的监管力度。

    It also will coordinate with relevant authorities to up requirements for installation of synthetic running tracks in schools and strengthen supervision over racetrack manufacturers .

  23. 叶平,台州市产品质量监督检验所副所长表示,塑胶跑道中的有害物质或将导致疾病。

    Ye Ping , deputy director of Taizhou Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute , said harmful elements in plastic running tracks may result in diseases .

  24. 江苏省许多小学生接触过学校操场新置的塑胶跑道后遭遇流鼻血,眩晕,患皮疹。

    Many primary school students in Jiangsu province suffered nosebleeds , dizziness and rashes after attending schools that recently installed plastic running tracks on their playgrounds .

  25. 现代教育中心、体育馆、艺术楼,塑胶跑道、游泳池等建设,强化了学校现代化的育人氛围;

    The modem education center , gymnasium , art floor , the plastic runway , and the swimming pool , etc. enhance a modern teaching atmosphere .

  26. 探讨了软性塑胶跑道是如何通过改变支撑阶段的技术,使此练习产生专项力量训练效应的。

    And how soft plastic track makes the running exercise generate the training effects of specific strength by changing technology during the stance phase is also probed .

  27. 实验数据为检测聚氨酯塑胶跑道中有毒有害化学物质及产品质量控制提供了科学依据。

    These data can be applied to the establishment of scientific basis for the detection of harmful chemistries in TDI polyurethane and the control of the products in quality .

  28. 教育部表示,所有塑胶跑道的施工将暂停,跑道的招标过程及施工合同经有关部门审查,确保施工质量后方可继续施工。

    Construction of all synthetic racetracks will be suspended until the bidding process and the contracts for construction are reviewed by authorities to ensure their quality , it said .

  29. 我们不但拥有多种类型的塑胶跑道和球场,还有各种材质的人工草坪等,以满足您不同的需要。

    Not only do we have many types of plastic runway and the stadium , there are all kinds of materials such as the artificial turf to meet your different needs .

  30. 教育部表示已邀请环保、质监部门在即将到来的暑假期间,对全国学校的所有新建塑胶跑道进行排查,并立即铲除不合格跑道。

    The MOE said it invited environmental protection and quality inspection authorities to check all newly-built synthetic racetracks at schools nationwide during the upcoming summer school break , and immediately remove substandard ones .