
  1. 发达市场的经验表明,清晰合理的基金税收政策能促进基金行业健康快速发展。

    The experience of the developed market shows that a reasonable tax policy would healthily boost the development of the mutual fund .

  2. 介绍现行法对基金会税收优惠的规定,通过分析指出不足之处,提出完善的意见。

    Introduce the regulations of tax law , analyze deficiencies .

  3. 浅议证券投资基金的税收政策

    A Discussion about Tax Policy of Portfolio Funds

  4. 开放式基金与税收政策

    Open-ended Funds and the Tax Policies

  5. 根据1986年制定的一项法律,大多数共同基金的税收年度必须在10月份截止。

    A 1986 law forced most mutual funds to move the end of their tax years to October .

  6. 为学校基金预算税收,警察,消防局,医院,垃圾处理,污水渠,道路和人行道维修,公园,图书馆,和杂项支出。

    The taxes fund budgets for schools , police , fire stations , hospitals , garbage disposal , sewers , road and sidewalk maintenance , parks , libraries , and miscellaneous expenditures .

  7. 为此提出了制定可再生能源发电上网的若干规定、可再生能源专项基金、税收优惠和优惠贷款政策以及相应的机构能力建设的具体建议。

    Some detailed suggestions related to renewable power grid connection issue , setting up renewable energy fund , tax and loan favorable policies and capacity building issue are proposed in this article finally .

  8. 第五部分主要是讨论联邦政府采取的积极对策,包括成立过渡机构和统一基金、财政税收政策、积极的劳工和社会政策以及社会保障制度的改革等。

    Such solutions Include " the establishment of transitional institutions and the Consolidated Fund ", active labor and social policy and the social security system reform .

  9. 它的作用是,当投资者入股一艘船时,基金为他们提供税收减免。

    The system offers investors tax breaks when they purchase a stake in a ship .

  10. 基金经理人认为,税收透明的美国式房地产投资信托基金能够解决他们在筹资过程中遇到的问题。

    Managers saw US-style REITs with tax transparency as the answer to the problems they were having raising money .

  11. 然而,大力发展企业年金需要健全的法律体系、有效的基金管理制度以及税收优惠政策的支持,其中最为关键的问题是如何对企业年金基金进行规范管理和有效投资。

    However , the development of employer pension needs perfect legal systems , effective management system of fund and tax preferences . Among those factors , the key is how to manage employer pension fund normatively and invest it efficiently .

  12. (英国)统一基金(政府所设基金,由税收拨给款项,主要用以支付公债利息)。

    The Consolidated Fund ( in Britain government fund into which money obtained by taxation is paid , used esp to pay interest on the national debt )