
  • 网络basic rate;basic exchange rate
  1. 如能持续下去,这种克制将标志着在更加以市场为基础的汇率制度方面取得的可喜进展,IMF表示。

    If sustained , such restraint would mark welcome progress toward a more market-based exchange rate system , it said .

  2. 利率政策是实现内部均衡的基础,汇率政策是实现外部均衡的关键。

    Interest rate policy is the basis to achieve internal equilibrium , and exchange rate policy is to the key to achieve external equilibrium .

  3. 从汇率政策而言,汇率政策的实施现状、汇率政策的环境与形成基础、汇率政策的目标、汇率政策的政策手段等是汇率政策研究的最主要内容。

    From the point of exchange rate policy , the present implementation situation , the environment and the form foundation , the goal , the policy method of the exchange rate policy and so on are the main coverage of exchange rate policy research .

  4. 为此,本文拟在考察系统性风险微观基础以汇率风险的影响的基础上,构建一个反映银行脆弱性的综合的指标,来刻画我国银行系统性风险的动态变迁过程。

    Therefore , this article intends to examine systemic risk in the micro-foundation to the impact of exchange rate risk on the basis of reflecting the bank to build a comprehensive vulnerability index , to characterize the systemic risk of banks of dynamic change process .

  5. 论现代信用货币的价值基础与浮动汇率制度

    On the Value Basis of Current Credit Money and the Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  6. 同时在国际考察的基础上对汇率与股票价格相互作用的阶段性进行了总结。

    Based on the international analysis , chapter three summarizes the stage characteristics of the relationship between stock price and exchange rate .

  7. 此后,西方各国实行了以市场供求为基础的浮动汇率制度。

    After that , Western countries carry out the floating exchange rate system , which is based on the market supply and demand .

  8. 在现行体制环境下,中国唯一的选择就是保持现在的货币政策,但是在此基础上增加汇率的灵活度。

    Under the prevailing institutional environment , China 's only viable option is to maintain its currency peg , but add some upward flexibility on the exchange rate .

  9. 从内容来看,可以分为三个主要部分,即人民币汇率的形成基础、人民币汇率的运行环境(汇率制度)、人民币汇率形成机制及问题。

    This chapter can be divided into three main parts , namely the formation foundation , movement environment ( exchange rate system ), the formation mechanism and questions of Renminbi exchange rate .

  10. 同期内,人民币兑欧元汇率有所下跌,在贸易加权的基础上,人民币汇率几乎没变。

    Over the same period it has fallen against the euro and barely moved on a trade-weighted basis .

  11. 这种政策建立在美国制造商与中国企业正面竞争(特别是在美国市场)的基础上,对汇率的关注亦如此。

    It is predicated as is the focus on the exchange rate on its manufacturers competing head-on with Chinese companies , particularly in the American market .

  12. 因为制度性原因,央行不得不以基础货币来维持汇率稳定,于是通胀就无法避免。

    Out of institutional reasons , the central bank has to utilize base money to keep exchange rate stability and inflation , therefore , is inevitable .

  13. 自7月初以来,人民币兑韩元汇率上涨了约三分之一。在贸易加权基础上,人民币汇率升幅超过10%。

    The renminbi has gained around one third against the South Korean won since early July . On a trade-weighted basis it is up more than 10 per cent .

  14. 从经济基础这个决定货币汇率变动的深层次因素来考察,人民币近期升值的内在支撑力并不强。

    Moreover , viewed from the underlying factor of economic foundation determining the change of foreign exchange rate , the internal supporting force for recent RMB revaluation is not strong .

  15. 本文的结果显示,影响承接信息服务外包的主要因素为:基础设施水平、汇率、人力资本、文化差异。

    The actual proved results demonstrated in this paper show that the degree of infrastructure , exchange rate , human source capital and the deference of culture are the main factors that affect undertaking of information service outsourcing .

  16. 简要介绍了汇率、汇率制度、汇率风险及其汇差损益等基本概念,在此基础上,对汇率走势的市场预测和模型预测方法进行了介绍和评估。

    Fundamental conceptions for exchange rate , exchange rate system , exchange rate risk and profit and loss of difference between exchange rates are introduced briefly at first . Then the methods of market prediction and model prediction for trend of exchange rate are in presented and estimated .

  17. 购买力平价作为其他汇率学说的理论基础和现实中汇率决定的重要依据,仍然备受关注。特别是伴随着计量技术和数理经济的进步与发展,大量的实证研究文献不断累积。

    As the foundation of other exchange rate determination theories and standard rule to adjust the level of exchange rate , Purchasing Power Parity has received special attention , especially with the company of rapid technical progress of Econometric and development of mathematics economics and the accumulation of documentations .

  18. 本文分析了汇率目标区基本模型存在的缺陷,在此基础上提出以均衡分析为基础确定汇率目标区浮动区间的基本思路。

    The author discusses the defects of the existing primary model of exchange rate target area and puts forward a way to decide the exchange rate target area fluctuation based on equilibrium analysis .