- 名basic dialect/topolect;basilect

23 Years ' Study on the Base Dialect of the Mandarin of Ming and Qing Dynasty
This dissertation is concerned with the aspectual system in Chinese , especially that in Modern Standard Chinese and its basic dialect , Beijing Dialect .
The basic dialect of the common language is the authoritative dialect which should have double-authority : the authoritative geographical dialect and the authoritative social dialect .
Voice as the standard pronunciation of Putonghua in Beijing , the northern dialect as the basis of dialect , to work as a model of the modern vernacular syntax specification .
Official dialect represents the direction of development of Chinese . As dialect is the foundation of Chinese , the research of it can deepen our knowledge of Chinese and standardize its usage .
If it is not a good resolution , it is because Beijing is a voice for the Mandarin northern dialect words based to a model of modern Chinese grammar book for Putonghua norms .
Basle Mission was a Christian Church Organization based in Hong Kong preaching to Hakka Villagers since mid 19th century . The Mission published the Bible and textbooks in Hakka Dialect used in the New Territories then .
The Family Similarity of R-pronounced Words and Its Basis of Cognition & Cases from Hebei Dialect
On this foundation , it lists the connection style of Initials , Finals and Tones .
Firstly , this article makes an approximate description for present situation of modal particle research in Linli dialect .
The thesis briefly introduces the geographical distribution , cause of formation , linguistic features and the connection with the periphery dialects of Zhenping Dialect .
The last but not the least , the sixth chapter is the epilogue , makes a sum-up on the whole situation of Huitong dialect on the basis of the mentioned five chapters .
This paper is based on the deep research of my hometown – Jiangning District and carries on the Massive Fields Investigation and the Utilization Dialect Investigation method , compare the Jiangning dialect and the standard spoken Chinese .