
  • 网络basic economic law
  1. 社会主义基本经济规律

    Basic economic law of socialism

  2. 坚持马克思社会生产目的层次论的方法,发展市场经济基本经济规律理论;

    We should develope the theory of basic economic law for market economy using marx 's theory of grades of purpose of social production ;

  3. 论基本经济规律&蒙昧时代

    On the Fundamental Economic Law & Production of the Ignorant Era

  4. 社会主义基本经济规律的迷失与探索

    Confusions and exploration on the basic economic regulations in socialism

  5. 它们在活动目的、基本经济规律等方面是一致的。

    They are the same in such aspects as the purpose of activity , basic economic rules .

  6. 基本经济规律认为,天下没有免费的午餐。

    A basic law of economics holds that there is no such thing as a free lunch .

  7. 论封建社会的基本经济规律

    On the Basic Laws of Economy Operated in the Feudal Society During the Civilization Times of Human History

  8. 本文从现代科学技术和社会经济发展的基本经济规律出发,分析当代事故的本质特性。

    Confusions and exploration on the basic economic regulations in socialism This paper analysed the essence of modern accidents .

  9. 但中国也无法摆脱一个基本经济规律的支配:一个人的成本就会是另一个人的收入。

    But China is not exempt from a basic economic principle : A cost to one person is an income to another .

  10. 党的建设要体现中国先进文化的前进方向,这是社会主义基本经济规律的内在要求。

    Construction of the CPC should represent Chinese advanced cultural direction , which is the inner demand of basic socialist economic law .

  11. 由此,我们可以推出蒙昧时代的基本经济规律就是使用价值。

    With this conclusion , the value of the use can be taken as a fundamental economic law ruled the production activities in the ignorant era .

  12. 唐宋之际,是中国封建社会经济关系发生重大变革的历史时期。论封建社会的基本经济规律

    Between Tang and Song Dynasty , there is an important change in the social economic relation . On the Basic Laws of Economy Operated in the Feudal Society During the Civilization Times of Human History

  13. 财政模式的发展演变受基本经济规律的制约,客观上要经历原始财政、传统财政、公共财政和建设性财政四个发展阶段。

    The development and evolution of finance mode is restricted by basic economic laws and , objectively , will go through four developmental stages , namely primitive finance , traditional finance , public finance and constructive finance .

  14. 文中运用经济学的基本经济规律,分析了目前我国港口企业在经济增长方式转变中,企业经济效益的提高和生产规模之间的关系。

    The paper makes use of the basic and economic regulation of the economics , analyzes current port business enterprise in economy increase way change of our country , the relationship between enhancing the economic performance of business and the production scale .

  15. 国有股减持方案应当按照市场经济的基本原则和市场经济规律的原则来办。

    The state-owned stock should be done according to the basic principles of market economy and the principle of the economic law of the market while reducing schemes .

  16. 定性地来看,东部地区反映出来的居民收入的区域差异基本符合经济发展的规律,而西部地区其符合程度相对较弱,甚至有些年段违背了某些经济发展的理论。

    Regional disparities among east regions live up to the economic development rules basically , but them in west regions measures up to rules not well , evenly it transgresses them to some extent .

  17. 反垄断法作为经济法中的子部门法,用以调整国民经济运行的各个竞争环节,其经济法的基本属性决定了反垄断法的运行必须遵守基本的经济规律。

    Anti-monopoly law is a branch of economic law which is supposed to adjust every competition links of our national economy and anti-monopoly law must be subjected to basic economy rule according to its basic attributes of economic law .