
  • 网络base rate;interest rate;Prime Rate;base interest rate
  1. 利息看来太高了,要比沃勒基本利率高一个百分点。

    It seems to be rather high : one per cent over Wallers base rate .

  2. coutts可以为其客户建立的,是一种高于基本利率100个基点的借款安排实际上是将其资产抵押并将所得资金再投资于其它领域。

    What Coutts can set up for its clients is a facility to borrow at 100 basis points above the base rate effectively mortgaging their assets and reinvest the money elsewhere .

  3. 银行的基本利率已从10%降到了6%,降幅高达40%。

    Bank base rates have fallen from 10 per cent to 6 per cent — a decrease of 40 per cent .

  4. 香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)表示,将下调基本利率100个基点,以努力遏制信贷危机的影响。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority said it would cut rates by 100 basis points to try to contain the effects of the credit crisis .

  5. 就我个人理解,和基本利率差不多吧。

    Then , as I understand it , your base rate .

  6. 那么首先,什么是基本利率?

    First of all , what is the base rate ?

  7. 就比基本利率高零点二五个百分点吧。

    Say zero point two five per cent above your base rate .

  8. 如果银行基本利率上升,国债的价格就下跌。

    As bank base rates rise , the price of gilts falls .

  9. 卡罗琳抵押贷款的利率比五年贷款的基本利率高出两个百分点。

    The interest rate on caroline 's mortgage is fixed at two percent above the base rate for five years .

  10. 在相似的环境下,看看基本利率再决定通常最可能发生什么。

    Look at base rates to determine what is most likely to happen , on average , under similar circumstances .

  11. 基准利率是整个市场化利率体系中所不可缺少的基本利率,从某种意义上来说基准利率是利率市场化机制形成的核心。

    Benchmark interest rate is a basic interest rate indispensable to the mechanism of interest rate marketization . To some extent , it is the core of the system .

  12. 就比基本利率高零点二五个百分点吧。在作为一个整体的欧盟,25个百分点是可以理解的。

    Say zero point two five per cent above your base rate . In the euro area as a whole , a quarter of a point is on offer .

  13. 即使在此次加息后,基本利率也只比通胀率高0.7个百分点&很可能不足以为货币和财政高烧降温。

    Even after the increase , the base rate is now only 0.7 percentage points above the inflation rate – probably not high enough to cool monetary and financial fevers .

  14. 应用时滞微分方程理论,我们得到金融网络中,各节点利率最终将稳定于其基本利率的充分必要条件;

    By the theory of differential delay equations , necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for the global asymptotic stability and oscillation of essential interest rate of each node in finance network .

  15. 中央银行主要目之就是评估和分析经济变动,以及调节基本利率来引导经济保持长期增长。

    The main aim of a central bank is to assess and analyze the changes in the economy and make adjustments to the base interest rates to guide it to sustainable long-term growth .

  16. 在m个节点的情形,利用常微分方程稳定性理论,证明了网络中各节点即时利率的加权和为一常数,而各节点两两之间即时利率差最终将稳定地趋于其基本利率差。

    In the case of m nodes , by the stability theory of ordinary differential equation , it is proved that for whole network the weighted sum of instant interest rate of nodes in the network maintains a constant ;

  17. 由于经济衰退、外围环境欠佳,年内非外汇基金票据及债券的发债活动减少。银行在贴现窗借款,须按基本利率为不超过所持外汇基金票据及债券总数一半的借款支付利息;

    Issuance activities of non-Exchange Fund paper slowed down in the year amid economic downturn and a poor external environment . Banks are charged the Base Rate with respect to the first 50 per cent of their holding of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes .

  18. 这是我们的基本贷款利率,现在是百分之十一。

    It 's our basic lending rate which at the moment is eleven per cent .

  19. 实证结果发现,银行资金成本及营业费用对基本放款利率有正向影响,而规模愈大的银行则会有较低的基本放款利率。

    The empirical results show that the banks with larger scale tend to have lower prime rates and that bank capital costs and operating expenses have positive effects on the prime rate pricing .

  20. 期权法以分析公司普通股所具有的看涨期权特性为出发点,以Black&Scholes期权定价模型为基础构造出一个商业银行基本贷款利率模型。

    Option loan pricing model is set out on the characteristics of call option which company common stock possess , constructs one commercial bank basic loan interest rate model based on the Black-Scholes option pricing model .

  21. 银行将基本房屋贷款利率从10.75%提高到10.99%。

    The bank lifted its basic home loans rate to 10.99 % from 10.75 %

  22. 当前我国己经基本实现了利率市场化的近中期目标,可以预见,在不久的将来,我国必将实现全面的利率市场化。

    China has been basically market oriented interest rate close to the medium-term objective . It is foreseeable that in the near future , that China will surely achieve a comprehensive market-oriented interest rate .

  23. 改革开放以来,利率作为货币政策中介目标的地位被重新确立,中国人民银行在制定货币政策时,基本都以利率政策为中心。

    The interest rate 's importance has been re-established in application of monetary policy since 1978 . It has become the core of a series of economy policies in the people 's bank of China .

  24. 呃,它可以再跌二十个基本点,但是利率永远不能是负值。

    Well it could go twenty basis points lower but interest rates can never be negative .

  25. 如此一来,所有成员国都能以与德国基本上相同的利率借贷。

    As a result , they all could borrow at practically the same interest rate as Germany .

  26. 利率风险是商业银行的基本风险之一,利率风险的存在将对商业银行的利润和市场价值等产生综合的影响。

    Risk of interest rates is one of the basic risks faced by commercial banks . It has a comprehensive impact on the return and market value .

  27. 本文以模拟案例分析的形式,通过实际贷款利率、基本模型的贷款利率和修正后模型的贷款利率的综合比较,发现修正后模型计算的贷款利率更具有优势。

    Through the comprehensive comparison of the actual interest rate , the rate of the basic model and the rate of modified model , we find that the modified model performs best on loan rates .

  28. 利率是调节实际产出的最重要手段,因为所有金融资源的走向的基本参照物是利率。

    In view of the fact that it represents the basic object of reference in judging the trend of all financial resources , interest rate is always considered as the most important means for adjusting actual output .

  29. 在贴现利差大于(等于、小于)基本利差时,利率久期是剩余付息次数的递减(不变、递增)函数;

    When the discount margin is greater than ( equal to , less than ) the quoted margin , the index duration is the decreasing ( constant , increasing ) function of the number of coupon payments remaining until maturity .

  30. 除了利率之外,散户投资者也应该注意投资债券的基本原则:不论利率是高还是低,债券在一个人的投资组合中扮演重要的角色。

    Interest rates aside , the retail investor should pay heed to a more fundamental principle a-bout investing in bonds : it does not matter whether interest rates are high or low-bonds play an essential part in a person 's investment portfolio .