
péi zhí
  • raise;cultivate;foster;train
培植 [péi zhí]
  • (1) [cultivate]∶栽种并细心管理[植物]

  • 这种植物是无法人工培植的

  • (2) [foster]∶扶植势力或培养人才

  • 培植势力

培植[péi zhí]
  1. 培植市场流通服务体系;

    To raise the service system of market circulation ;

  2. 第三部门作为政府与市场外的第三域,能够不断的培植社会资本,从而促进我国向现代社会的转型。

    As the third area besides the government and market , the third section can raise the social capital continuously , therefore it can promote the transformation for our country to modern society .

  3. 他们花很大气力在那里培植他们的势力。

    They took great pains to build up their influence there .

  4. 历史学家保罗·拉夫乔伊认为可乐果在西非的培植已经有几百年的历史了。

    Historian Paul Lovejoy relates that the cultivation of kola nuts in West Africa is hundreds of years old .

  5. NaCl胁迫对欧洲黑杨组培植株叶片光系统Ⅱ功能的影响

    Effect of NaCl stress on photosystem ⅱ functions in Populus nigra leaves

  6. 广义Foster定理培植对象的主体精神;

    Foster the individuals ' spirit ;

  7. 在政策上US历来就有培植terror项目,国家豫算案中的海外军事训练费就是用于此地的费用。

    US always draws up the items of cultivating terror in policy , for instance , overseas military training fees belong to the above in state budget .

  8. 把核心能力理论运用于企业RD投资管理,提出了基于核心能力培植的企业RD投资管理策略,即从核心能力构筑和培育的战略高度来引导RD投资活动。

    This paper originally applies the theory of core capability to R D investment management and suggests that R D investment management should be based on core capability cultivating .

  9. b.天麻培植面积小,科技服务体系尚未完善,产量低等现实问题严重影响天麻产业的发展。

    B. cultivating Gastrodia size , technology services system has not been perfect , practical problems seriously affect the low yield of Gastrodia industry .

  10. 天然牛黄、培植牛黄和鸡胆汁对大鼠足跖肿胀率及炎性组织中PGE2含量的影响

    Effects of Natural Cow-bezoar , Cultured Cow-bezoar and Chicken Bile on Rat Paw Edema and PGE_2 Content of Inflammatory Tissues of Rat

  11. 人工培植牛黄对牛血清AKP、r-GT及Ch的影响

    The effect of artificial culture of bezoar on activity of AKP and r-GT and content of Ch in serum of cattle

  12. 围绕四川竹业资源培植需求,对8个丛生竹竹(品)种引种栽培3a的生长性状变化和适应性进行分析。

    In this paper 8 sympodial bamboo species / varieties were investigated for their adaptability and variations in growth traits since 3 years of introduction .

  13. 初步成功地培植出一株适应原代鸡胚细胞,具有与国内目前生产地鼠肾细胞疫苗的aG株固定毒相仿的免疫原性的组织培养疫苗株&武汉(Wuhan)34株。

    Wuhan-34 strain of rabies virus was successfully propagated in primary chick embryo cell culture . It 's immunogenicity has shown that it can compare with that of the fixed virus aG strain used for hamster kidney cell rabies vaccines production in our country .

  14. 在扦插苗成活定植后,成熟叶展开5~6片后开始补光处理60d,照度120~231lx,成株在塑料大棚内增温培植。

    After planting cutting and 5-6 leaves developed , the plant was light treated for 60 days with 120 ~ 231 lx , and adult plant was cultured in greenhouse .

  15. 回肠缩短术对培植羊黄产量影响的研究

    Study on the Culturing Calculus Ovine Product by Shortening Ileum Operation

  16. 中国的传统的文化土壤,培植了中国的传统的幽默。

    China 's traditional cultural soil has cultivated its traditional humor .

  17. 低温余热利用及其开发培植就业增长点,扩大就业。

    Low temperature exhaust heat and its exploitation and increasing employment .

  18. 苦难对于人格的培植,是一种奇妙的肥料。

    Suffering is a wonderful fertilizer to the roots of character .

  19. 他几乎没有时间培植自己的亲信。

    He has had little preparation in cultivating his own followers .

  20. 我希望能够像培植蘑菇一样

    I wanted to cultivate this perspective just like the mushrooms ,

  21. 综合开发资源,培植粮食增长点;

    Comprehensively developing resources to culture the increase of grain production ;

  22. 低胆红素培植牛黄的免疫药理作用研究

    Pharmacological Studies on Immunological Function of Low Bilirubinic Cultured Calculus Bovis

  23. 致石性药物对培植牛黄产量的影响

    Effects of stone-causing drugs on the production of cultured calculus bovis

  24. 黄/苎麻草坪培植基的工艺探讨

    Process Study of Lawn Cultivation Carrier of Jute / Ramie Blanket

  25. 植物生长调节剂对梅花盆花培植的影响

    Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Potted Cultivation of Mei Flower

  26. 培植特色产业促进西部开发

    Developing feature industry , promoting the exploitation of the western China

  27. 培植需要肥沃土壤和明亮光照。

    The plants need a fertile soil and bright illumination .

  28. 体外培植干细胞复制肠粘膜组织的研究&在第十九届夏威夷国际烧伤会议上的报告

    Regeneration and Clone of Intestinal Organ by Culturing Stem Cells in vitro

  29. 郑州市会展经济的市场培植与拓展

    Market cultivation and extension of MICE economy in Zhengzhou City

  30. 培植创业风险投资推动我国高科技产业化发展

    Developing Venture Investment For Encouraging The High-tech Industrialization of China