
  • Urban housing;【法】town house
  1. 基于WebGIS的城市住宅小区物业管理系统方案设计

    Management system of uptown residential service based on Web GIS

  2. 城市住宅设计的L型时代

    The Period of Living Room Type of Urban Houses

  3. 城市住宅小区物业共用部分的权属探析

    Ownership of public part of property management in city residence area

  4. 精密设计&现代城市住宅合理化研究

    Delicate Design & Research on the Rationalization of Modern Urban Housing

  5. 老龄化社会的城市住宅规划与设计

    The Planning and Design of Urban Residence in the Aged Society

  6. 我国城市住宅小区物业管理研究

    Study on Property Management of City Small Residence Area in China

  7. 城市住宅的历史是城市历史的物证。

    This is the material certificate of the history in city .

  8. 城市住宅外部景观环境初探

    Research on the Outer Sight of the Dwelling in a City

  9. 城市住宅价格是一个敏感的社会经济问题。

    The urban housing price is a sensitive socio-economic question .

  10. 城市住宅市场价格系统动力学模型实证研究

    A case study on urban housing-price by system dynamics model

  11. 低收入流动人口城市住宅初探

    Discussion on the Housing for Low Income and Floating Population

  12. 利用模糊数学的方法评价城市住宅声品质

    Evaluation of urban residence acoustic environment by fuzzy mathematics method

  13. 武汉市城市住宅需求研究

    Analysis and Prediction of Housing Demends of Wuhan Urban Residents

  14. 为本世纪末实现城镇居住小康水平而奋斗&城市住宅问题学术讨论会代表建议

    Striving for a Comfortable Living Standard at the Turn of the Century

  15. 试论城市住宅区景观营造中的情感设计

    Some Issues on the Emotional Design in Urban Residential Landscape

  16. 浅谈城市住宅与人体健康

    Discussion on residence in city & health of human body

  17. 论城市住宅绿地配建

    On the Green - land Allocation in Urban Housing Areas

  18. 福州市城市住宅建筑现状分析与研究

    Analyzing and Research on Urban Residential Building in Fuzhou City

  19. 城市住宅小区配电站设置无功补偿之必要性

    Necessity of Reactive Power Compensation in Distribution Substation of Urban Residential Area

  20. 区位因素引起的城市住宅供给的特殊问题

    Special Problem on House Supply in Cities Caused by the Location Factor

  21. 对城市住宅设计适度超前的构想

    The Conception of Moderate Leading in Design of Urban Residence

  22. 城市住宅供暖与热水供应共用系统及热计量

    Urban Shared System of Heating and Hot Water Supply and Heat Metering

  23. 预测了到本世纪末城市住宅建设投资需求量。

    It also forcasts the demand for urban housing construction fund in 2000 .

  24. 住区规划与大城市住宅层数发展策略研究

    A strategic study on the residential planning and housing stories in large cities

  25. 城市住宅小区风环境数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Wind Environment in Urban Residential District

  26. 控制城市住宅建设面积标准

    On the control over area standard for urban housing

  27. 中国城市住宅建设中的弱势关怀

    Concern for the weak in Chinese urban housing construction

  28. 街区型城市住宅区设计模式研究

    A Study on the Design Mode of Residential Block

  29. 西北地区城市住宅中的生态与可持续设计初探

    Probe into the Eco-sustainable design of the urban dwelling in the Northwestern Region

  30. 城市住宅一级市场供需及发展研究

    Study on the Supply and Demand and Development of First-Class Urban Housing Market