
dì zhōng hǎi
  • the Mediterranean;the Mediterranean sea;Mare Nostrum;MEd
地中海 [dì zhōng hǎi]
  • [the Mediterranean sea;Mare Nostrum] 世界最大的陆间海。处于欧、亚、非之间

地中海[dì zhōng hǎi]
  1. 埃布罗河三角洲坐落于地中海地区,距离巴塞罗那仅两个小时的车程,这里一年的稻米产量是1。2亿公斤,是欧洲大陆最重要的稻米产区之一。

    Located on the Mediterranean just two hours south of Barcelona , the Ebro Delta produces 120 million kilograms of rice a year , making it one of the continent 's most important rice-growing areas .

  2. 众所周知,地中海饮食很健康,但是准备和享用食物的过程也是非常有趣的。

    It 's no secret that the Mediterranean diet is healthy , but it was also a joy to prepare and eat .

  3. 到地中海航游是度过漫长寒冬的绝妙办法。

    A Mediterranean cruise was the perfect antidote to a long cold winter .

  4. Coted'Azur(蓝色海岸)这个词让人联想到地中海咖啡馆阳光明媚的日子。

    The words ' Cote d'Azur ' conjure up images of sunny days in Mediterranean cafes .

  5. 她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。

    She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring .

  6. 厨师伊德里斯·卡尔多拉开出一份富有地中海特色的菜单,让人眼前一亮。

    Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean

  7. 尼罗河由东非的维多利亚湖向北流至地中海。

    The Nile flows from Lake Victoria in East Africa north to the Mediterranean Sea .

  8. 地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。

    Britain bakes in a Mediterranean heatwave .

  9. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉。

    The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic .

  10. 最近在埃及外海发现的Zohr大气田终将影响地中海和欧洲地区石油的定价,并且在其他许多地方也有巨大的发展潜力,特别是阿根廷。

    The   recent   discovery   of   the giant   Zohr   gas   field   off   the   Egyptian   coast   will   eventually   have   impact   on   pricing   in   the Mediterranean   region   and   Europe ,   and   there   is   significant   development   potential   in   many   other places ,   notably   Argentina .

  11. 大约6000年前,它传播到了地中海国家。

    And then it spread to Mediterraneancountries about 6,000 years ago .

  12. 从那时起,它就在地中海人民的生活中发挥着重要作用。

    Since then , it has been important in Mediterranean people 's lives .

  13. 然后经过埃及著名的尼罗河流域到达地中海。

    Then it goes through Egypt 's famous Nile Valley before reaching the Mediterranean Sea .

  14. 丝绸之路是历史上中国与地中海之间重要的国际贸易通道。

    The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean .

  15. 橄榄油也是地中海国家商业和文化的重要产品。

    Olive oil has also been an important product in the business and culture of Mediterranean countries .

  16. 这条古道起于长安(今西安),止于东欧,靠近今天的土耳其和地中海。

    The ancient road started from Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and ended in Eastern Europe , near today 's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea .

  17. 这条古道起于长安(今西安),止于东欧,靠近今天的土耳其和地中海。

    The ancient road started from Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and ended in Eastern Europe [ ˈ j ʊə r ə p ] , near today 's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea .

  18. 这些房子都属地中海风格。

    The houses are Mediterranean in character .

  19. 地中海饮食是受上世纪40到50年代的希腊、意大利南部、和西班牙饮食方式启发而成的现代营养建议。

    The Mediterranean diet is a modern nutritional2 recommendation originally inspired by the dietary patterns of Greece , Southern Italy , and Spain in the 1940s and 1950s .

  20. 开始吃地中海饮食永远都不会太晚。研究显示,地中海饮食可以阻止70多岁的老人脑萎缩。

    It is never too late to start eating a Mediterranean1 diet , as a study shows it could stop the brains of people in their seventies from shrinking .

  21. 这样一来,船舶进入威尼斯的唯一通道就是经由朱代卡运河。2019年6月,地中海航运公司的一艘13层游轮撞上了码头和一只游船,导致5人受伤。

    In the meantime , the only way for the ships to enter Venice is via the Giudecca canal , where in June 2019 a 13-deck vessel and tourist boat , injuring five people .

  22. 所以这种酒是纯天然的,而且当你身处地中海梯田,俯瞰碧蓝大海并远眺蓝色天空的时候,还有什么比诗人济慈吟诵的“啜饮一大杯暖意浓浓的南国酒”更让人高兴的事呢?

    So it 's all perfectly2 natural , and on a Mediterranean3 terrace , looking over a blue sea and a blue sky , what could be more delightful4 than ' a beaker full of the warm South ' as Keats put it .

  23. 地中海饮食主要包括高比例的橄榄油、豆类、未加工谷物、水果和蔬菜、适量到高比例的鱼类、适量奶制品(主要是奶酪和酸奶)、适量红酒、以及少量非鱼类肉食。

    The principal aspects of this diet include proportionally high consumption of olive oil , legumes , unrefined cereals , fruits , and vegetables , moderate to high consumption of fish , moderate consumption of dairy products ( mostly as cheese and yogurt ) , moderate wine consumption , and low consumption of non-fish meat products .

  24. 经治重型β地中海贫血的股骨骨髓MR成像分析

    MR imaging of femoral marrow in treated β - thalassemia major

  25. 用直接测定基因组DNA序列的方法检测β-地中海贫血基因突变

    Direct-Genomic DNA Sequencing Technique and It 's Application to Detecting β - Thalassemia Mutations

  26. 应用PCR和斑点杂交产前诊断α&地中海贫血

    Prenatal Diagnosis of α - Thalassemia by PCR and Southern Blot

  27. 应用DNA多态性进行β-地中海贫血产前诊断的可行性

    A Study on Feasibility of Prenatal Diagnosis of β - Thalassemia by DNA Polymorphisms in Chinese

  28. 应用荧光PCR技术检测单细胞β地中海贫血基因

    Fluorescent PCR for Detection of β Thalassemia Genes in a Single Cell

  29. 单管多重PCR体系快速检测缺失型α地中海贫血

    Rapid detection of the deletional α - thalassemia by single-tube multiplex-PCR assay

  30. 单细胞二重巢式PCR诊断β地中海贫血

    Diagnosing β - Thalassemia by Single Cell Duplex-nested PCR