
  • 网络Santa Barbara;Santabarbara;Santa Babara
  1. 铁路终于在1877年修到了圣巴巴拉。

    The railroad finally reached Santa Barbara in 1877 .

  2. 嗨,我是圣巴巴拉杂志社的BarryRyan

    Hi , it 's Barry Ryan from the Santa Barbara News-Press ,

  3. 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UniversityofCalifornia,SantaBarbara)的经济学者希瑟·罗耶(HeatherRoyer)认为自己发现了一种方法。

    Heather Royer , an economist at the University of California , Santa Barbara , thinks she has hit on a way .

  4. NASS是最近由加州圣巴巴拉市的一个市场调研公司&外设概念公司杜撰出的一种产品类名称。

    NASS is a product category term recently coined by Peripheral Concepts , Inc. Santa Barbara-based market research firm .

  5. 圣巴巴拉市加利福尼亚大学的心理学教授谢莉·盖布尔(ShellyGable)对此发表了自己的看法:庆祝比吵架更有助于加强两人的感情。

    Shelly Gable , professor of psychology at the University of California at Santa Barbara , has demonstrated that how you celebrate is more predictive of strong relations than how you fight .

  6. 那次调查发现,外资公司有性别歧视的概率低于中国民营企业或国有企业。该调查由加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSantaBarbara)和厦门大学的两位教授主持进行。

    Foreign-owned films were less likely to discriminate based on gender than private Chinese firms or state-owned enterprises , according to the study , which was conducted by a pair of professors from UC Santa Barbara and Xiamen University .

  7. 在安提阿大学圣塔巴巴拉(AUSB)校园位于加州圣巴巴拉市中心。

    The Antioch University Santa Barbara ( AUSB ) campus is located in downtown Santa Barbara , California .

  8. 而躲在伪安全软件背后的罪犯貌似也能收获同样多的回报,比如BrettStone-Gross和加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉市校区的同事。

    The criminals behind fake security software appear to reap similar rewards , say Brett Stone-Gross and colleagues at the University of California , Santa Barbara .

  9. 加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉的设备生产商Sonos生产的ZonePlayer是另一款带很好的遥控功能的多区域音响产品。

    Another multiroom audio product with a good remote control is the ZonePlayer from Sonos , an equipment maker based in Santa Barbara , Calif.

  10. 我们可能就坐在重大灭绝事件的悬崖上,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校生态学家道格拉斯·J·麦考利(DouglasJ.McCauley)说,他是《科学》杂志本周四发表的一项新研究的合著者。

    We may be sitting on a precipice of a major extinction event , said Douglas J. McCauley , an ecologist at the University of California , Santa Barbara , and a co-author of the new research , which was published on Thursday in the journal Science .

  11. 加州圣巴巴拉大学(UCSB)的计算机病毒科学家们近日就他们对僵尸网络的研究结果发布了一篇研究报告。

    Researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara have published a paper ( PDF ) detailing their findings after hijacking a botnet for ten days earlier this year .

  12. 5月23日,22岁的ElliotRodger在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校校园附近开枪杀死六人后自杀身亡。在他生前录制的一段视频及留下的长篇遗书中,他的厌女情结一览无余。

    Elliot Rodger , 22 , who killed six people before apparently shooting himself near the University of California , Santa Barbara campus , on May 23 , made misogynous comments in videos and his lengthy manifesto .

  13. 杰瑞和我会去圣巴巴拉过周末。

    Jerry and I will spend the weekend in Santa barbara .

  14. 正和杰克一起去圣巴巴拉了。

    She 's on her way to Santa Barbara with jack .

  15. 我们本打算在三年前去圣巴巴拉的。

    We were supposed to go to Santa Barbara three years ago .

  16. 我们在加利福尼亚的圣巴巴拉海滩。

    And we were near the ocean in Santa Barbara , California .

  17. 我常受雇于圣巴巴拉警署。

    I have been hired often by the Santa Barbara police department .

  18. 那家伙跟圣巴巴拉一半的人都睡过。

    The guy slept with half of Santa barbara .

  19. 包括上周发生在圣巴巴拉的悲剧

    including last week 's tragedy at Santa Barbara

  20. 我要去圣巴巴拉。

    I 'm going to Santa Barbara .

  21. 凯瑟琳·麦考密克也从圣巴巴拉搬来,以便随时了解试验的最新进展。

    Katharine McCormick moved east from Santa Barbara to keep close tabs on the trials .

  22. 她先生是加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的哲学系教授

    Well , this gal is married to some philosophy professor at U.C. Santa Barbara .

  23. 你有没有听说圣巴巴拉有个波尔多酒品尝大会在这个周六晚上?

    Did you hear about this Bordeauxtasting dinner down in Santa Barbard on Saturday night ?

  24. 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校

    University of California , Santa Barbara

  25. 宙斯是由加州圣巴巴拉计算机运动研究所制造的。这家公司也出售机器人伊索。

    Zeus is made by computer motion of Santa barbara , california , which also sells aesop .

  26. 此后,他还参加了在印第安纳波利斯的耐克全美训练营和在圣巴巴拉的乔丹篮球夏令营。

    He attended the Nike All-America Camp in Indianapolis and the Michael Jordan Flight School in Santa Barbara .

  27. 那一刻她正走在圣巴巴拉市的一条小巷子里,猛然间看见一只蜂鸟,和着一阵扑面而来的橘子花香。

    It was a walk down a Santa Barbara lane , a hummingbird and the smell of orange blossoms .

  28. 在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校所在的伊斯拉维斯塔镇,艾略特•罗杰从一辆黑色的宝马里向外开枪射击。

    Elliot Rodger opens fire on the campus town of Isla Vista , California from inside a black BMW .

  29. 他们回来以后,我在圣巴巴拉见到了他们,我觉得我从来没见过一个女孩那么迷恋丈夫的。

    I saw them in Santa Barbara when they came back , and I thought I 'd never seen a girl so mad about her husband .

  30. 周末经常组织游览附近的海滩或参观圣巴巴拉市或洛杉矶,了解当地文化、购物和娱乐。

    Frequent weekend trips are planned to nearby beaches and to the cities of Santa Barbara and Los Angeles for cultural experiences , shopping and entertainment .