
Tǔ kù màn sī tǎn
  • Turkmenistan
  1. 但几个小时后,国有的中国石油天然气集团公司(ChinaNationalPetroleumCorporation)宣布在土库曼斯坦发现大型天然气田,这可以增加中亚天然气向中国的输送,降低对其他供应的需求。

    But within hours , state-owned Chinese National Petroleum Corporation announced a major gas discovery in Turkmenistan that will help boost deliveries of central Asian gas to China , reducing its need for alternative supplies .

  2. 同时,中国从土库曼斯坦和缅甸购买天然气的价格大约是10美元/百万BTU。

    Meantime , China pays roughly $ 10 per million BTUs for pipeline gas from Turkmenistan and Myanmar .

  3. 1.DarvazaGasCrater-Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦达尔瓦扎天然气坑洞1971年,地质学家发现该区域蕴藏着大量的地下天然气,在常年的开采过程中,由于不慎出现钻探环状坍塌,从而形成了一个非常大的坑洞。

    In 1971 , geologists discovered a massive underground deposit of natural gas on this site .

  4. 阿富汗西临伊朗,东部南部与巴基斯坦接壤,北到土库曼斯坦(Turkmenistan)、乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan)、塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan),中国就在它的最东部。

    It is bordered by Iran in the west , Pakistan in the south and east , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north , and China in the easternmost part of the country .

  5. 土库曼斯坦总统库尔班古力Berdimuhamedov和共和国总统努尔苏丹纳扎尔巴耶夫哈萨克斯坦进行了电话交谈。

    President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev had a telephone conversation .

  6. 中国长期以来一直坚称,它不会向Gazprom支付比土库曼斯坦天然气价格(9美元/mBtu)高出太多的价格,而且管道天然气的价格必须比液化天然气便宜。

    China has long insisted that it will not pay Gazprom much more than the $ 9 per mBtu it pays for gas from Turkmenistan , and that the piped gas must be cheaper than liquefied natural gas .

  7. 《旅行者IQ大挑战》按照由易到难的顺序,一开始会让玩家用10秒钟左右在地图上找出伦敦之类的比较知名的城市或景点,很快接下来的提问会越来越难,例如找出土库曼斯坦的首都阿什哈巴德(Ashkabat)。

    Traveler IQ starts out asking users to locate some of the better known cities and attractions in the world , like London , giving users a limit of about 10 seconds to pinpoint them on a map . The locations quickly get harder with cities like Ashkabat , Turkmenistan .

  8. 或则坐船从里海去土库曼斯坦的克拉斯诺伏斯克,再从那里驱车行驶600公里穿越沙漠,到阿什哈巴德乘飞机去Kirgistan(克里吉斯坦)的比什凯克,我们的下一个目的地是在亚洲腹地。

    From there we would have to drive six hundred kilometres across the desert to Ashgabat and then catch a flight to Bishkek in Kirgistan , our next destination in central Asia .

  9. 土库曼斯坦油气资源十分丰富。

    Turkmenistan is endowed with rich oil and natural gas resources .

  10. 土库曼斯坦体制转轨与经济发展论析

    An Analysis of the Economic System Transition and Development in Turkmenistan

  11. 对土库曼斯坦钾盐资源及开发利用的考察

    Investigation on potassium resource and its exploitation and utilization in Turkmenistan

  12. 哈萨克斯坦与土库曼斯坦选择了向中国出口天然气。

    Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are opting for gas exports to China .

  13. 土库曼斯坦是一个中亚国家,与阿富汗接壤。

    Turkmenistan is a country in Central Asia that borders Afghanistan .

  14. 土库曼斯坦位于中亚地区的西南部。

    Turkmenistan is located in southwestern part of Central Asia .

  15. 土库曼斯坦酸性气田恢复产能工程关键技术

    Key technologies of restoring the productivity of sour gas fields in Turkmenistan

  16. 土库曼斯坦独立纪念碑前的雕像。

    Statue in front of monument to Independece of Turkmenistan .

  17. 工程地点:土库曼斯坦列巴普州巴格德雷。

    Project site : bagtyjiarlyk , lebap welayaty , turkmenistan .

  18. 但是,最近要修建的这座宫殿有些特殊,它向土库曼斯坦的沙漠气候发出了挑战。

    But the latest have a special quality-of challenging Turkmenistan 's desert environment .

  19. 首都阿斯哈巴德,位于土库曼斯坦的南部。

    The capital , ashkhabad , is situated in the south of turkmenistan .

  20. 现在,北京公寓楼的供暖用的就是土库曼斯坦的天然气。

    Now Turkmen gas heats apartment buildings in Beijing .

  21. 土库曼斯坦油气发展前景

    Prospects of Oil / Gas Development in Turkmenistan

  22. 2010年,摩洛哥和土库曼斯坦被宣布为无疟疾国。

    Morocco and Turkmenistan were declared malaria-free in2010 .

  23. 对于土库曼斯坦而言,这是一个降低对俄依赖程度的机会。

    For Turkmenistan , it is a chance to reduce dependence on Russian demand .

  24. 土库曼斯坦共和国首都和最大城市。

    The capital and largest city of Turkmenistan .

  25. 为了防止有毒气体溢出,土库曼斯坦政府允许对坑洞中的天然气进行燃烧,这个坑洞从白天到晚上一直处于熊熊烈火燃烧状态。

    To prevent poisonous gasses from escaping , the hole was allowed to burn .

  26. 土库曼斯坦与美国关系及其对我影响

    The Turkmenistan-U.S. Relation and Its Impact on China

  27. 土库曼斯坦总统盛赞土库曼斯坦与俄罗斯可靠的能源夥伴关系。

    The leader of Turkmenistan touted his country 's reliable energy partnership with Moscow .

  28. 英俄在土库曼斯坦的争夺

    Contending Between England and Russia in Turkmenistan

  29. 用来保护乡村公墓的山羊的大尖角,因为山羊的大尖角在土库曼斯坦被认为是神圣不可侵犯的。

    Huge horns from mountain goats , considered sacred , protecting tombs in village cemetery .

  30. 俄国征服了中亚腹地以后,开始了对土库曼斯坦的征服。

    After having conquered the interior of central asia , Russia began to attack turkmenistan .