
  1. 孝亲思想对土家族民居保护及延续的影响

    Impact of Filial Idea on Protection and Extension of Tujia Residential

  2. 渝东南土家族民居的建造技术与艺术

    Building Technology and Art of Tujia Folk Houses in the Southeast Chongqing

  3. 浅谈湘西土家族民居聚落特点及保护现状

    On settlement features and present protection states of dwelling house of Tujia minority in western Hu'nan

  4. 本文从结构上主要从两大块研究:渝东南土家族民居和民居的传统技术。

    This text is from the structure mainly from two big piece researches : the Tujia folk house in southeast Chongqing and its traditional technique .

  5. 摘要土家族民居建筑属于典型的中国南方干栏式木构架建筑,明显地保留了原始人“巢居”的遗风。

    The dwelling house of Tujia nationality belongs to the wood railing framearchitecture typical in southern china , a heritage of " net house " of primitive people .

  6. 着重从渝东南土家族民居的用材与构件形式、屋架形制与屋面形态、建筑装饰艺术三个方面入手,对土家族民居的建造技术与艺术进行了初步的分析、总结。

    In this paper , the construction technology and art of the Tujia folk houses are analyzed and summarized from three aspects : building material and form of element , roof truss and shape of the roof as well as building decoration art .

  7. 湘西土家族聚居区传统民居变迁的文化传播学研究

    Study on Traditional Houses of Tujia Minority Area in Western Hunan Based on Cultural Diffusion Theory