
  • 网络land class
  1. 我国土地分类几类?各类土地的含义是什么?

    My land classification categories ? What is the meaning of land ?

  2. 农村土地两大类承包之异同研究

    Research on similarities and differences of two kinds of rural land contracts

  3. 鉴于涉及未经许可擅入私人土地及刑事损害类行为,可以理解Wiltshire这个乡村旅游部不愿就此多谈。

    Visit Wiltshire , the county 's tourism agency , is understandably reluctant to comment , given that acts of trespass and criminal damage are involved .

  4. 经实证检验分析,所建模型的科学性、可行性和实用性程度较高,这种系统分析与GMDP模型是优化区域土地利用结构这类复杂系统的一种行之有效的方法。

    The system analysis and the model of GMDP is a convenient and effective method to the complicated system of optimal land-use structure .

  5. 江苏省土地开发整理地类、区域投资决策研究

    Study on Decision-making in Classification of Land Exploitation and Consolidation and Regional Investment in Jiangsu Province

  6. 工艺技术也分为小型地埋一体化膜生物反应器、传统的城镇污水处理技术(活性污泥法、生物膜法)及土地处理系统三类。

    Technology also is divided into three categories including small buried integrating membrane bioreactor , the traditional town wastewater treatment technology ( active sludge method or biological membrane method ) and land treatment system .

  7. 一级类型划分为未扰动土地、正在扰动土地和复垦土地三类,在一级分类的基础上,根据内部土地利用特点细化了二级分类。

    The first category includes undisturbed land resources , disturbed land resources and reclaimed land resources . Based on this we have sub categories according to the internal features of land use .

  8. 以耕地为评价对象,参照FAO《土地评价纲要》确定评价级别,即土地适宜类。

    Having made farming land as the object according to 《 A framework for land evaluation 》 , this research confirmed " class " as the level of land suitability evaluation .

  9. 土壤和水环境指标包括:煤矿开采、煤矸石占用土地面积、煤炭及煤灰堆积占用土地面积、石油类、挥发性酚及重金属浓度三项指标;

    There are three indicators in land and water environment indicators , which are the area of the exploitation of coalmine and the coal gangue , the area of the pileup of the coal and the ash , the concentration of petroleum , volatile phenol , and heavy metal .

  10. 土地利用景观格局的变化会改变不同土地利用景观地类间能量、物质的流动情况,进而引起生态系统结构和功能的变化。

    The land use landscape pattern changes will change the flow of energy and material between different landscapes , and then cause the change of ecological system structure and function .

  11. 通过改革要建立适应社会主义市场经济的有偿有限期使用制度,处理好国有土地供应和集体土地供应、政府管理土地和集体土地所有者管理土地这两类矛盾。

    Through reform , policy of using land payably and in a limited period and ownership transformation policy payably which is suitable for social market economy , conduct contradiction between country-owned land supply and collective land supply , government managing land and collective land owner .

  12. 另外,本文又发现,企业无形资产中土地使用权所占的比例越大,对企业成长影响越不利;而非土地使用权类无形资产对企业成长有显著正向影响。

    In addition , we found that the greater the proportion of land use rights , the more unfavorable impact on corporate growth ; non-land use right class of intangible assets have a significant positive impact on the corporate growth .

  13. 从土地环境的诱因,把土地问题区分为原生土地问题、次生土地问题和社会土地问题三大类。

    On the basis of introduction of the land environment , the authors classify the land problems into three kinds & primary land problems , secondary land problems and social land problems .

  14. 结果显示,基于群体智能及CA的城市土地利用时空动力学模型模拟预测效果较好,能够较为客观、准确地预测出2008年北京市土地利用各地类数量及空间分布状况。

    The comparative study shows that by using the model based on swarm intelligence and CA can predict better , more objective and more precise in the prediction of the number and spatial distribution of land use classes of Beijing in 2008 .