
  1. 有关土地确权几个问题的思考

    Issues Regarding Confirmation of Land Right

  2. 研究结果:对当前土地确权的相关规定提出了几点修改建议。

    The article puts forward several suggestions on modification to current regulations regarding confirmation of land right .

  3. 土地确权登记应定位于确认证据事实等民事法律行为的具体行政行为。

    The registration of land is specific administrative act in order to identify the civil legal act .

  4. 今后北京郊区改革的重点工作是推进土地确权、完善土地征用制度以及社区集体经济组织产权制度改革。

    The emphases of Bei-jing 's suburb reform should be collective land institution , land confiscation and communal collective economy organization institution .

  5. 在政策实施层面,政府应当积极推广农村集体土地确权登记的开展活动,发动群众确权积极性,并制定科学的工作程序已完成严格的考核督察。

    At the policy implementation level , the government should actively promote the rural collective land approval registration activities , mobilize the public approval enthusiasm , and develop scientific strict inspection supervision procedures has been completed .

  6. 为完成艰巨的任务,理论界和实践界对土地确权登记的程序模式、技术手段进行了一定的探索和学习,也为更加科学有效的完成我国农村土地确权工作提供一定的借鉴。

    To complete the difficult task , theory and practice mode , the procedures of the land made registration technology has carried on the exploration and study , also to a more scientific and effective rural land right verification work provide certain reference .

  7. 实践中由于空间利用方式多样,空间利用现象繁杂,土地空间确权至今在我国理论界和实务界都未形成系统的思路。

    Due to the complicated phenomenon of land space use , we have not formed a systematic thinking in theory and practice .

  8. 该《规定》第六条明确了须复议前置的土地林地确权案件,如果复议机关作出了不予受理决定或驳回复议申请的决定,当事人应如何行使司法救济权。

    The " Regulations " sixth has been clear to land forest land right preposition of reconsideration cases , if the reconsideration organ shall not accept or reject decision making application for reconsideration decision , the parties should be how to exercise the right of judicial relief .

  9. 第二,对集体土地进行产权确权登记,明确集体土地所有权归村农民集体所有.村民小组行使集体土地所有权。

    Second , make property right confirmation registration for the collective land property rights , make clear collective land ownership belongs to farmers collective , farmers group exercise collective land ownership .

  10. 基于此,笔者提出了我国城市土地空间权利的确权思路。

    On this basis , author put forward a method about confirm urban land space rights .