
  • 网络land capability;land productivity
  1. 水资源在提高我国土地生产能力中的地位和作用

    The status and role of water resource in raising the land productivity of China

  2. 地理信息系统(GIS)支持下的土壤信息系统(SIS)在评价土地生产能力、土地退化的现状、速率和风险以及全球变化研究中具有重要意义。

    GIS based soil information system ( SIS ) is very important for assessment of the capacity of land production , the status , rates of soil degradation and global change studies .

  3. 提高现有土地生产能力,改良与开发利用盐碱化土地以及防治土壤的次生盐碱化,已成为实现土地资源可持续利用和农业可持续发展的一个重要方面。

    Improving the production capacity of land , utilizing the land of salinization , and preventing the soil secondary salinization , have already become one important respect of the sustainable utilization of land resources and agricultural development .

  4. 但现今人口已经超过2020年温饱型所能承载的人口。进一步提高土地生产能力,加强对人口增长速度的控制,使人地关系趋于协调的重要战略举措。

    But now people have already exceeded have enough to eat and wear support population in 2020 . And then improve the production capacity of the land , strengthen the control on people 's growth rate is important measure of balanced the relation of people and land .

  5. 综合指数小于3的土地,其生产能力较低下。

    If the index is less than 3 , then the productivity is lower .

  6. 环保人士们称,余下的耕地中大多数属于低质或中质水平,几十年来大规模使用化肥和杀虫剂使得这些土地丧失了生产能力。

    Environmentalists say the majority of the remaining land is of poor or moderate quality , having been stripped of its productivity by decades of heavy fertilizer and pesticide use .

  7. 建设全面小康社会,改善膳食结构、提高营养水平完全有赖于中国土地资源综合生产能力的建设与提高。

    The paper concludes that to improve Chinese food structure and nutrition level and achieve comprehensive well-off society , the enhancement of the productivity of Chinese land resource must be primarily depend on .

  8. 耕地与粮食安全战略:藏粮于土,提高中国土地资源的综合生产能力

    The Stratagem of Cultivated Land and Food Supplies Security : Storing Food in Land & Raising the Comprehensive Productivity of Land Resource of China

  9. 小流域综合治理的根本目的在于最大限度地发挥土地资源的潜在生产能力,以创造更多效益。

    The aim of the comprehensive control is to bring the potential productivity of land resources into full play in order to create more bent fit .

  10. 土地和海洋的生产能力正在减弱,而二者加上生态系统服务对人们脱贫均起着关键作用。

    Productivity of the land and seas is diminishing , and with them the ecosystem services that are crucial for people to get out of poverty .

  11. 为了掌握自然土地上植被的生产能力和农用地的产出潜能,前人做了许多有益的研究。

    In order to grasp the potential of natural land vegetation production capacity and output of agricultural land , the predecessors have done a lot of useful researches on that .

  12. 农村土地产权制度与土地综合生产能力的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Land Property System and the Land Comprehensive Productivity

  13. 然而目前的土地整理工作却忽视了决定土地内在生产能力&土壤质量的高低。

    However , the soil quality which determines land productivity is neglected in present land consolidation .

  14. 农田当量的涵义及其所揭示的我国土地资源的食物生产潜力&一个土地资源的食物生产能力评价的新量纲及其在我国的应用

    Arable land equivalent unit and potential food productivity of land resources in China

  15. 土地资源的基本特征是土地面积的有限性和土地生产能力的时空差异性。

    It is essential feature of land resources that the area is limited and the productivity is varying in time and space .

  16. 要实现红塔区土地资源的持续利用,必须采取控制人口增长、提高人口素质、加强土地资源管理、提高土地资源生产能力、优化土地利用结构以及改善生态环境等措施。

    Therefore , to realize the sustainable utilization of the land resources , measures must be taken to control the growth of population , enhance the quality of people , strengthen the management of land resources , increase its productivity , optimize its utilizable structure and improve its eco-environment .