
  • 网络image correction;image rectification
  1. 多光谱CCD相机配准的图像校正

    Image rectification of multi - spectral CCD camera registration

  2. 对分辨率最高的Quickbird图像校正所需的地面控制点坐标采用静态GPS地面实测的方法,使校正后的图像具有较高精度。

    The coordinates of GCPs for Quick Bird image rectification with the highest resolution ratio were measured by GPS in the field , in order to ensure the accuracy .

  3. 一种锥束CT中平板探测器输出图像校正方法

    A Calibrating Method of Flat Panel Detector Based on Cone Beam Computed Tomography

  4. 微焦点X射线成像系统扫描参数测量及投影图像校正研究

    Scanning parameter measurement and projected image correction for microfocus X-ray imaging system

  5. 锥束工业CT图像校正技术研究

    Research on Calibration Techniques of VCT Image

  6. ~(60)Co铁路货车检测系统的图像校正算法

    The data correction algorithms in ~ ( 60 ) Co train inspection system

  7. 眼内窥镜检查视网膜在法医学中的应用价值医用内窥镜图像校正的BP神经网络方法

    Retinal Examination with Ophthalmic Endoscopy in Forensic Autopsy ; Distortion Correction of Medical Endoscopic Images Using BP Neural Network

  8. 为了消除平板探测器缺陷在锥束CT重建切片中引起的伪影,提出一种投影图像校正方法。

    To eliminate reconstructive slice artifacts of cone beam CT caused by defects in flat panel detector , a calibration method is proposed for projected images .

  9. Workstation下精妙的算法可以很好地解决图像校正精度以及图像拼接问题。

    The excellent computing method supported by Workstation can well solve the problems concerning image correction precision and image connection .

  10. 本论文针对卫星平台姿态变化对LASIS成像过程的影响,结合LASIS的成像特点,研究相应的图像校正技术,提出了针对LASIS的图像校正算法。

    In this thesis , the image correction technology of LASIS based on satellite attitude changes is studied , taking the imaging characteristics into account .

  11. 研究结论为设计正确有效的LASIS图像校正算法提供了参考依据,同时也为卫星平台设计提供了参考。

    Research conclusion provides a reference basis for designing an effective LASIS image correction algorithm , at the same time it also provides a reference for satellite platform design .

  12. DIBR自由视点视频的实现涉及到图像校正、立体匹配、多视点编解码和虚拟视点绘制等关键技术。

    The realization of DIBR free viewpoint video is related to the key technologies such as image correction , stereo matching , multi-view video coding and virtual view synthesis .

  13. 基于黑暗像元和大气透过率的遥感图像校正

    Correction of remote-sensing image based on dark-object methods and atmospheric transmittance

  14. 基于图像校正的测量移动堆料体积的标定

    Calibration of measuring volume of moving stack based on image correction

  15. 巨型X光轮胎图像校正、显示技术的研究

    Image Correction and Display Technology on Giant X-ray Tire Image

  16. 一种图像校正重采样效应的评估及优化方法

    Evaluation and Optimization Method of Resampling Effects in Image Rectification

  17. 大孔径静态干涉成像光谱仪图像校正技术研究

    Research on the Correction Algorithm for LASIS Image Sequence

  18. 积厚文档扫描图像校正

    Restoration of Images Scanned from Thick Bound Documents ON THE σ - PRODUCTS

  19. 基于汇聚立体视觉的图像校正算法

    The rectifying algorithm for images based on convergent stereovision

  20. 一种无信息丢失的光学相干层析图像校正方法

    A New Method to Remove Dithering in Optical Coherence Tomography without Information Loss

  21. 基于主元分析的倾斜车牌图像校正方法研究

    Study on Method of Slant License Plate Correction Based on Principal Component Analysis

  22. 图像校正需要对图像进行透视变换,不可避免会产生欠采样或过采样问题,同时射影变换会引起图像扭曲,造成图像对之间相似性丢失。

    Projective transform in the process of image rectification produces under-sampling or over-sampling .

  23. 平行多基线立体视觉图像校正

    Rectification of images for parallel multiple-baseline stereo vision

  24. 最后对图像校正效果进行了分析。

    Finally effects of correcting image are given .

  25. 红外图像校正及处理算法研究

    Correcting and Processing Algorithm Research of Infrared Image

  26. 两种图像校正算法在实际应用中的比较

    Comparisons of two kinds of image rectification algorithms

  27. 图像校正技术在大型正交多幕特种电影制作过程中的应用

    The Application of Image Calibration Techniques in the Large-scale Orthogonal Multiple Screen Special Film Making

  28. (四)提出了一种图像校正算法。

    An image correction algorithm is proposed .

  29. 视觉增强环境中图像校正算法的研究

    Calibrating Algorithm for Vision - augmented Environments

  30. 分析了图像校正中重采样效应的主要表现形式,建立了一种重采样效应的评估方法。

    In this paper , we analysis the cause of effects of resampling and propose an evaluation method .