
  1. 这对于加入WTO后东北地区参与国际经济竞争,实现区域经济的持续和协调发展,具有重要的战略意义。

    It has important strategic significance for the northeast area to participate in international economic competition by developing regional economy continuously and harmoniously after the entrance to the WTO .

  2. 标准是当今国际经济竞争的焦点。

    Today the standard is the focus of international economic competition .

  3. 当代的国际经济竞争是产业集群的竞争。

    The contemporary international economic competition is a competition of industry 's cluster .

  4. 这些分歧从根本上反映了国际经济竞争与国际环境合作需求之间的冲突。

    The Montreal Protocol represents a landmark in the history of global environmental protection .

  5. 入世后旅行社人才竞争对策分析国际经济竞争,首先是人才的竞争。

    International economic competition is , first of all , competition in qualified personnel .

  6. 这将让美国在激烈的国际经济竞争中屈居老二。

    It would consign America to second place in our fiercely competitive global economy .

  7. 当今世界,人才是国际经济竞争的焦点。

    In the modern society , the talent person is the focus of international economic competition .

  8. 服务贸易已成为国际经济竞争中越来越重要的一个领域。

    Service trade has already become a more and more important field in the international economic competition .

  9. 我国企业应尽快走向世界,在参与国际经济竞争的过程中得到提高,在学习和演练中成长壮大,采取演练拓展型对外直接投资战略。

    In international competition , China will be getting stronger and adopt the strategy of " training and development " .

  10. 不少经济学家断言,城市群将成为21世纪国际经济竞争的基本单位。

    Many economists affirm that urban aggregation will be the basic unit in the competition of international economy in 21 century .

  11. 随着国际经济竞争的加剧,作为创新主体的我国企业的创新能力不足越来越突出,究其原因在于对知识经济背景下企业文化的认识不足。

    With the sharp development of the international economic competition , the innovation capabilities of Chinese enterprises are more and more insufficient .

  12. 开发人力资源既是现代经济发展的基础和保证,又是现代经济发展的基本内容。当代国际经济竞争的中心内容是现代人力资源的占有和开发。

    Therefore , the possession and development of human resources are of the primary concerns under the circumstances of the international economic competition .

  13. 只有掌握和运用这些新规律,才能在21世纪国际经济竞争中立于不败之地。

    Only by mastering and applying the new laws can we never be defeated in the international economic competition in the 21st century .

  14. 而当今的国际经济竞争正由资本竞争向技术竞争转变,其核心已逐步演变为专利之争和标准之争。

    Nowadays the international economy competition is changing from competition of capital to the competition of technique whose kernel is evolving into competition of standard .

  15. 国际经济竞争实际上是企业竞争,现代企业的竞争力,主要依靠企业中的核心人力资本。

    The international economic competition is naturally the competition among enterprises . The competition ability in the modern enterprises mainly depends on the core human capitals .

  16. 从国际经济竞争的现实背景来考虑,我国应当在保持收入贸易条件指数不恶化的情况下,继续大力推动出口贸易量较快地增长。

    Under an international competition framework , China should promote the increase of trade volume and not at the expense of a worsening income trade term .

  17. 这将更有力地推进(某地)全方位、多层次、大范围的开放,并使其在参与国际经济竞争与合作上达到更深、更广的程度。

    It will more vigorously promote all-directional , multi-tiered and wide-range opening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition at a greater width and depth .

  18. 在经济全球化日益加深,国际经济竞争日趋激烈的当代社会,驰名商标发挥的作用越来越大。

    Nowadays , as the economy is increasingly globalized and the international economic competitions are becoming more intense , the well-known trademarks are becoming more and more significant .

  19. 21世纪国际经济竞争的基本单位既不是企业,也不是国家,而是以中心城市为核心的大城市群。

    The basic element of international economic competition in 21st century is not an enterprise , nor a country , but a megapolis with a metropolis at the core .

  20. 在国际经济竞争越来越激烈的今天,大国之间的竞争更多地表现为战略技术的竞争和战略产业的竞争。

    The competition of international economy becoming more and more intensive , the competition between development countries are mostly represented by that of strategic technology and that of strategic industries .

  21. 产业集群已成为国内外产业发展的重要组织形式,当代的国际经济竞争已演化成产业集群的竞争。

    Industrial cluster has become an important organizational form of industry development both in domestic and abroad , contemporary international economic competition has evolved into the competitiveness of industrial cluster .

  22. 海关担负着为国家把守经济大门的神圣职责,在国家参与国际经济竞争中发挥着十分重要的作用。

    China Customs is shouldering the holy task of guarding our country 's economic door , it also plays an important role in our country 's participation in global economic competition .

  23. 全球环境问题的恶化使得人们开始考虑使用经贸限制措施促进环境的保护,国际经济竞争的加剧使关税和传统的非关税壁垒进一步削减。

    The deterioration of global environments brings trade restriction measures into the consideration of environment protection and the prick up of international economy competition causes the cut down of tariff and non-tariff trade barrier .

  24. 在当今的国际经济竞争中,标准已成为发达国家保护自己市场、占有别人市场、获取最大经济效益的利器。

    In the modern international economic competition , the technical standard has become the developed country to protect their own market , to hold other market , and to gain the biggest economic efficiency weapons .

  25. 增强自主创新能力,建立国家创新体系既是适应国际经济竞争的需要,也是我国发展进入新阶段的需要。

    Enhancing the self-innovation capability and establishing national system of innovation is needed not only in adapting the international economic competition , but also needed in entering the new stage of development of our country .

  26. 所经区域是中国经济发展最活跃和最具潜力的地区,也是中国对外开放和参与国际经济竞争的前沿阵地。

    As growing economic bases with rapid development , these areas are not only the driving force for China 's economic development , but are also at the forefront of China 's opening-up and participation in international economic competition .

  27. 突出体现了出口制造型企业在当前国际经济竞争和金融危机的背景下,急需借鉴先进的风险管理理念来提升外贸企业对信用管理的内部管理水平和顺利实现企业的运营目标。

    The paper highlights the export manufacturing enterprises in the context of the current international economic and financial crisis and need drawing on the advance risk management philosophy to improve internal control in credit management and successful enterprises operating goals .

  28. 中国若要在未来日趋激烈的国际经济竞争中占据一席之地,也必须采取全球本土化战略及其它措施大力发展我国的跨国公司。

    If China wants to get better development in the fierce international economic competence in the future , we have to develop our transnational company and our transnational company should also take the " global localization " strategy and other measures .

  29. 为了占领国际经济竞争中的技术制高点,各国在高新技术领域的竞争越来越激烈,其实质体现为创新能力的竞争,并进一步表现为将创新成果转化为标准的竞争。

    In order to occupy the technical high ground in international economic competition , competition between countries becomes more and more intense in high-tech field . Its essence is the competition of innovation ability , and furthermore the competition of transforming innovation results into standards .

  30. 当今世界,科技人才是国家发展的最重要的战略资源,是先进生产力的集中体现,是社会进步的主导力量,也是国际经济竞争的焦点。

    Nowadays , science and technology talent is the most important strategic resources in national development , is the embodiment of the advanced productivity , is the predominant power of the progress in society , and is also the focus of the international economic competition .