
  • 网络International Investment Theory
  1. 根据国际投资理论,一国汇率水平的变化将会对外资流入产生重要影响。

    According to international investment theory , the change of exchange rate level will influence FDI .

  2. 第二章概括性列举了与本文研究相关的一些直接投资理论,包括影响比较大的主流国际投资理论和与本文相关性较大的发展中国家对外投资理论两部分。

    Chapter ⅱ generally lists a number of direct investment theory , including the mainstream international investment theory with relatively large influence and international investment theory of developing countries .

  3. 西方的国际投资理论对企业国际化动因进行了详尽的研究,并形成了一系列完善的理论。

    The West Theories of International Investment have done lots of researches on the internationalization of firms , and those theories are perfectly .

  4. 首先对外商直接投资、外资利用效率和评价指标等相关概念做了界定与解释,并回顾了国际投资理论和效率理论。

    The first are definitions of foreign direct investment , foreign capital utilization efficiency and evaluation indicators , and the review of the efficiency theory and international investment theory . 2 .

  5. 传统理论如国际投资理论、跨国公司理论、竞争优势理论、交易成本理论等为研究跨国公司研发离岸现象提供了部分的理论解释。

    Traditional theories , such as International Investment Theory , Multinational Corporation Theory , Competitive Advantage Theory and Transaction Cost Theory , may partly explain the phenomenon of R & D offshoring .

  6. 从古典经济学的投资理论、新古典经济学的投资理论、经济增长理论、国际投资理论、金融投资理论和资本结构理论对项目开发和管理的投融资研究理论依据做出深入分析。

    It makes a specifical explanation for project development and management from classical economics investment theory , neo-classical economics investment theory , economic growth theory , international investment theory and financial investment theory , and capital structure theory and corporate governance theory .

  7. 国际直接投资理论与FDI吸收能力渊源

    Theory of Direct Investment at International Scale and Its Relation with FDI Absorption Capability

  8. 该理论模型进一步证实了垄断优势理论、边际产业扩张理论以及内部化理论。通过建立FDI区位理论模型解释FDI的区位选择行为,完善了国际直接投资理论。

    The theoretical model further confirms the monopolistic advantage theory , the marginal industry extension theory and Inside the Multinationals theory , and perfects international direct investment theories .

  9. 文章不仅指出了西方国际直接投资理论的局限性,而且描述了中国企业开展FDI特殊约束条件,重新界定了中国企业开展FDI的目标函数。

    It not only points out the limitation of western FDI theory , but also describes the special binding conditions of Chinese enterprises , developing FDI and defines the objective function of Chinese enterprises developing FDI .

  10. 20世纪80年代以来对FDI吸收能力的研究日益突出,关于FDI吸收能力的研究渊源于国际直接投资理论。

    Since 80s of 20th century , growing research in FDI absorption capability has attracted people 's attention . In fact , study in FDI absorption capability theory can be traced back to the theory of international direct investment .

  11. 现有的国际直接投资理论体系是建立在发达国家经济基础上,这些理论只能在一定程度上解释FDI在我国的区位分布、路径依赖和经济增长。

    In addition , the current theoretical system of International Direct Investment has based on the economy of the developed countries , which is defective and on some degree to explain the FDI location and its effects in China .

  12. 产生于20世纪60年代的国际直接投资理论基本上沿着两条思路展开:一是研究国际直接投资形成的原因、去向及其决定,简称为FDI决定理论;

    The theory of international direct investment shaped in 60s of 20th century was basically developed along two lines of thinking : one is to study the reason , trend and decision of the international direct investment , and briefly named with FDI decision theory ;

  13. 国际直接投资理论的发展脉络及最新进展

    The Development Skeleton and New Evolvement of Foreign Direct Investment Theory

  14. 国际直接投资理论对我国企业的发展借鉴

    International direct investment theory 's development reference to China enterprise

  15. 随着经济全球化的发展,国际直接投资理论也出现了一些新进展。

    As the economic globalization FDI theories have made some new progress .

  16. 基于汇率动因的国际直接投资理论及其实证研究

    Research on Foreign Direct Investment Theory and Empirical Analysis Based on Exchange Rate

  17. 我国关于国际直接投资理论的研究评述

    Research of Theorie of Foreign Direct Investment

  18. 然后分析了国际直接投资理论的演变及发展。

    Then it analyses the evolution and development of the theories of international direct investment .

  19. 第一章考察了当代最具影响力的五种国际直接投资理论流派。

    In the first part , the author investigates five kinds of mostinfluencing international direct investment theories of contemporary era .

  20. 本文将对国际直接投资理论的演变进行经济思想史研究,在追溯国际直接投资理论的经济思想渊源的基础上,按照历史发展的线索梳理国际直接投资的演进脉络。

    Based on the tracing of economic thoughts , we sort out the evolution context of FDI theories according to historical development .

  21. 国际直接投资理论的奠基人海默提出了垄断优势论,他认为有两个原因促使投资者采取对外投资以控制海外企业,一是保证投资安全,二是投资者具有某些特定的优势。

    He thinks there are two reasons that impel the investor to adopt the investments abroad in order to control the overseas enterprise .

  22. 总之,这些国际直接投资理论均体现出鲜明的时代特点,并在一定程度上解释了纷繁复杂的国际直接投资现象。

    Overall , all these FDI theories reflect the distinct feature of the age , and explain the phenomenon of FDI in some level .

  23. 在国际投资法理论与立法上,通常把外国投资活动以外国投资机构建立为准,大致划分为两个阶段:即外商投资准入阶段和外资运营阶段。

    In the field of international investment law , FDI if often divided into two parts : admission of FDI and operation of FDI .

  24. 文章的创新在于以系统的观点,从市场经济条件下政府的作用出发,充分借鉴西方国际直接投资理论成果,结合中外成功企业跨国经营所具备的各项素质,建立了我国跨国经营的评价体系。

    The innovative point of this paper is that the article sets up an appraisable system to evaluate Chinese enterprise transnational business in a systemic way .

  25. 国际直接投资理论认为,国际直接投资对东道国贸易具有进口替代、出口创造和进口引致效应。

    According to the theory of FDI , FDI has the effect of import substitution , export earning and import in - duction to the host country .

  26. 与一般的国际直接投资理论模型有所不同,美国对华直接投资的决定性因素有其自身的特征。

    Differing from the general theoretical model of international foreign direct investment , the determinant factors of American direct investment in China have their own unique features .

  27. 列举了诸如内部化理论、垄断优势论等一些国际直接投资理论,并在批判继承这些理论的基础上,提出了本文的理论基础。

    This part explains and illustrates internalization theory , monopoly dominant theory and other international direct investment theories , and proposes the fundamental of the thesis based on those theories .

  28. 分析显示,后发优势作为发展中国家对外直接投资的一种理论解说,可以在相当程度上弥补以比较优势为核心的西方国际直接投资理论的不足。

    Analysis demonstrates that late-development advantage , as a developing country FDI theory , can replenish the weakness of the western FDI theories which emphasize on comparative advantage or monopoly advantage .

  29. 一是传统的国际直接投资理论,如特定优势理论、产品生命周期理论、内部化理论以及国际生产折衷理论,辅助资产理论;

    One of them is the traditional FDI theories , such as the specific advantage theory , the product cycle theory , the internal theory and the eclectic theory of international production .

  30. 首先是国际直接投资理论,重点介绍了国际生产折衷理论、边际产业扩张论、小规模技术论和技术地方化理论,并针对理论的发展进行了简单的评述。

    The first part consists of the introduction and a brief comment on some of the major FDI theories which include the eclectic theory , marginal industry expansion theory , small-scale technology theory and the technology localization theory .