
ɡuó jì kǒnɡ bù zhǔ yì
  • international terrorism
  1. 美国国家情报总监小詹姆斯·R·克拉珀(JamesR.ClapperJr)表示,近日来,美国一直与欧洲分享情报,与盟国一起打击国际恐怖主义。

    U.S. Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper , Jr. has said that the U.S. has shared intelligence with Europe in recent days and is working with its allies to combat international terrorism .

  2. 照片以及一系列的勒索正威胁着英国的中心,对于夏洛克以及华生来说挑战已经开始,他们要对抗国际恐怖主义、流氓气的CIA探员以及牵涉到英国政府的隐秘的阴谋。

    Compromising photographs and a case of blackmail threaten the very heart of the British establishment , for Sherlock and John the game is on as they find themselves battling international terrorism , rogue CIA agents , and a secret conspiracy involving the British government .

  3. 谈惩治国际恐怖主义犯罪的立法及合作

    Meandering the Legislation and Cooperation of Punishing the International Terrorism Crime

  4. 预防和消除国际恐怖主义合作协商会议

    Meeting of Consultation on Cooperation to Prevent and Eliminate International Terrorism

  5. 你认为国际恐怖主义的高涨是什么造成的。

    What do you think caused the upsurge of international terrorism .

  6. 准单极、多强及其它国家与国际恐怖主义的斗争,是第二大斗争。

    The second struggle is between countries worldwide and international terrorism .

  7. 国际恐怖主义基本原因问题全体小组委员会

    Subcommittee of the Whole on the underlying causes of International Terrorism

  8. 人性与兽性的典型&甘地非暴力主义与国际恐怖主义之比较

    Typical Cases of Humanity and Barbarity : Gandhiism and International Terrorism

  9. 王教授正在作一个关于国际恐怖主义的讲座。

    Professor Wang is giving a lecture on international terrorism now .

  10. 试论冷战后国际恐怖主义的特征

    On the Features of the International Terrorism after Cold War

  11. 第五章:我国关于国际恐怖主义犯罪的立法与完善。

    Chapter ⅴ: Domestic legislation and perfection of international terrorism .

  12. 阐述了国际恐怖主义犯罪的定义和五个方面的特征。

    It expatiated the definition of international terrorism crime and five characters .

  13. 线光源的测试国际恐怖主义的本地化

    The Test of the Line Light Source The Localization Of International Terrorism

  14. 明天下午弗格逊教授要做一个关于国际恐怖主义的讲座。

    Professor Ferguson is giving a lecture on international terrorism tomorrow afternoon .

  15. 国际恐怖主义的历史演变、现状分析及其概念界定

    International Terrorism : Historical Evolution , Analyzing of Present Conditions and Its Definition

  16. 关于国际恐怖主义犯罪引渡问题的探讨

    Researches on Extradition Problem Existing in International Terrorism Crime

  17. 犯罪学语境下的中亚国际恐怖主义

    A Study on Central Asia 's International Terrorism under the Criminology Linguistic Context

  18. 国际恐怖主义的幽灵又阴森地逼近了。

    The specter of international terrorism is looming again .

  19. 因此,霸权主义就成了研究国际恐怖主义问题的重要因素。

    Therefore , hegemonism becomes an important factor when international terrorism is investigated .

  20. 中亚四国存在的三股恶势力主要是民族分离主义、宗教极端主义和国际恐怖主义。

    The vicious powers are national separatism , religious extremism and international terrorism .

  21. 国际恐怖主义并不是近年才有的现象。

    International terrorism is not just a recent phenomenon .

  22. 消除国际恐怖主义措施特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism

  23. 国际恐怖主义犯罪及其刑事处置

    On International Terrorist Crimes and Their Criminal Punishment

  24. 国际恐怖主义对北约的冲击&试析9·11事件对北约发展的负面影响

    On the Impact of International Terrorism on NATO

  25. 论引渡制度对国际恐怖主义适用的若干问题

    Discussion on adaptability of extradition to international terrorism

  26. 国际恐怖主义犯罪若干问题研究

    On Some Problems of Crime of International Terrorism

  27. 浅析国际恐怖主义犯罪对我国国家安全的危害

    An Analysis of the Dangers of International Terrorist Crimes to China 's National Security

  28. 从学理走向规范:国际恐怖主义概念新探&兼论国际恐怖主义概念的研究方法之转换

    From Doctrine to Norm : a New Study of the Concept of International Terrorism

  29. 遏制国际恐怖主义犯罪若干问题的思考

    Reflections on the Containment of International Terrorist Crimes

  30. 国际恐怖主义犯罪基本问题探析

    Basic Problems on the Crime of International Terrorism