
ɡuó jiā jì huà
  • National plan;state plan;state planning
  1. 纳入国家计划的轨道

    Bring sth into line with the state plan

  2. 一在国家计划外边有孩子,切割组员的全部悬挂方式沿着!

    One has children outside the state plan , incise all team member 's hang down !

  3. 假设你领导一个小组,负责X公司对某一国家计划赞助项目的评估工作,你会做些什么?

    Imagine that you are in charge of a X Company team to evaluate whether X Company should sponsor a national program ? What are your main considerations ? What will you do ?

  4. 防止和惩治对妇女的暴力行为国家计划

    National Plan for the Prevention and Punishment of Violence against Women

  5. 国家计划投资两百万元修建这个大坝。

    The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam .

  6. 国家计划委员会的负责人在私下里同样感到悲观。

    The head of the state planning body was equally gloomy in private .

  7. 国家计划在明年二月份把那座旧桥拆掉?

    The state is tearing down the old bridge in February next year .

  8. 萧条地区和贫困人群国家计划总协调办公室;

    General Coordinating Office for the national plan for depressed areas and marginal groups ;

  9. 市场经济体制下国家计划的功能研究

    Study of the functions of the state planning in the system of the market economy

  10. 三是发动和组织了职工群众开展劳动竞赛,促进国家计划的超额完成;

    Third , organized labor emulation drives and mobilized workers and staff to overfulfill state plans ;

  11. 白银工业在发展中一方面深受国家计划影响,一方面受资源赋存状况的制约。

    The national palns and the resource occurrence state both deeply affected the development of BaiYin industry .

  12. 国家计划生育委员会说,性别比失衡可能会成为社会不稳定的诱因/致社会的不稳定。

    The State Population and Family Planning Commission said the sex imbalance might lead to social instability .

  13. 列入国家计划的16种主要化工产品产量,全部完成和超额完成生产计划。

    The 16 key chemicals listed in the state plan all fulfilled or overfulfilled the state production quotas .

  14. 从目前看来,烟草行业的大部分竞争仍然表现为在国家计划统管下的区域间供需调整。

    But this kind of competition was still the adjustability of supply and demand under the national plan .

  15. 多生孩子叫母亲伟大,不生孩子的叫响应国家计划。

    Many children called mother great , don 't give birth to a kid call response country plan .

  16. 第一个国家计划周期

    First country programming cycle

  17. 制定跨越所有部门的一体化国家计划以便提供协调技术和财力支持的基础。

    Developing integrated national plans across all sectors to provide the basis for coordinated technical and financial support .

  18. 由于经历了较长时期的计划经济,企业生产所需物资完全实行国家计划,物资管理任务比较简单,与国外相比,我国企业的物资管理水平普遍较低。

    The level of material management is totally lower in our country because of a long time of planning-economy .

  19. 国家计划的制度安排由三部分构成:计划组织,计划方案,保证计划实施的管理制度。

    Institutional arrangement of planning is formed by planning organization , planning scheme and management institution to implement planning .

  20. 本文结合国家计划内项目的相关课题,主要研究了直接式航迹控制系统。

    The article , which mainly studies the direct-track control system , is concentrated on the national planed project .

  21. 结果有助于我们制定国家计划以消除对妇女和儿童的暴力。

    The findings helped us to develop the national plan for the elimination of violence against women and children .

  22. 此次大幅跳水的主要原因还是国家计划大幅发行特别国债,以及股票供应量的上升。

    The fall was attributed to a planned huge sale of special bonds and an increase in stock supplies .

  23. 这个南亚国家计划未来购买更多的航母,以加强海军实力。

    The South Asian country plans to acquire more aircraft carriers in the future to bolster its naval strength .

  24. 国家计划外建设项目,不准借用国际商业贷款。

    No international commercial loans may be obtained for projects of construction which are not included in the State plan .

  25. 就在前几天,我推出了一项新的国家计划以应对日益增长的气候变化威胁。

    A few days ago , I unveiled a new national plan to confront the growing threat of a changing climate .

  26. 按照中国的国家计划,在繁华的沿海城市周边地区要减少使用煤炭,这一点也推动了替代来源的能源生产。

    China 's national plan to cut the use of coal near prosperous coastal cities is also spurring energy generation from alternative sources .

  27. 活动在超过二十个国家计划使成千上万发展中国家的人洗用肥皂洗手。

    Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap .

  28. 生育保险和国家计划生育政策相关联,因此,预见性强,风险不大。

    Policy of birth insurance and national family planning is relevant couplet , accordingly , foresight is strong , the risk is not big .

  29. [方法]利用现有卫生信息网络的资源,以国家计划免疫管理办法和技术规范为需求,研制免疫规划智能化网络信息系统。

    According to national immunization management measure and technique norm and current health resource , the network intelligent management system on immunization program was developed .

  30. 本文把国家计划作为一种制度,运用制度的理论和方法对之进行研究,重点是研究市场经济中的国家计划的制度基础、制度安排和制度功能。

    This dissertation study institutional arrangement , institutional foundation and institutional function of state plan in market economy regarded as a kind of institution by institutional method .