
  • 网络National New Area;state-level new areas
  1. 中国位于沿海地区和内陆的六个国家级新区正在积极创新,为国家新一轮改革开放铺路搭桥。

    Located in both coastal regions and the hinterland , China 's six state-level new areas have been innovating to chart the way forward for the country 's new round of reform and opening up .

  2. 重庆两江新区作为继上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区之后,中国第三、内陆唯一的国家级新区,标志着新时期国家区域经济发展战略的转型开端。

    As the third State-Level New Area and the only in inland areas in china following the Shanghai Pudong New Area and the Tianjin Binhai Mew Area , the Chongqing Two-Rivers New Area is the symbol that regional economic development strategy of china is turning .

  3. 作为第四个国家级新区的舟山群岛新区,大力发展海洋战略性新兴产业,拓展海洋发展的新空间,加快海洋经济转型升级,是其抢占海洋经济竞争制高点的必然选择。

    As the fourth national new district , it is Zhoushan islands ' inevitable choice to vigorously develop the marine strategic emerging industries , expand the new space of the marine development and speed up the transformation of the marine economy in order to seize the competitive high ground .

  4. 并从广东南沙(国家级开发新区)科技研发平台建设、法律法规政策制度-结构性减税效果两个方面进行实证检验。

    And from the Guangdong Nansha ( National Development District ) R & D platform , laws and regulations policies and systems structural tax effects of two aspects of empirical testing .