
ɡuó jiā jī ɡòu
  • National institutions;state agency;structure of the state
  1. 在佛蒙特州,该部机动车辆是一个亚基的国家机构的交通方式。

    In Vermont , the Department of Motor Vehicles is a subunit of the state Agency of Transportation .

  2. 第三章国家机构

    Chapter III The Structure of the State

  3. 位于东部的国家机构迫切需要革新和添置新设备。

    National institutes in the east are sorely in need of renovation and modern equipment

  4. 鲁宾诺夫说:“如果我们能够引导更多学生进入此类学校,帮助他们了解这些学校并非遥不可及,让他们频繁申请并最终入学,成功率就会最终提高。”他还列举了大型国家机构和小型私立学校等各种学院。

    " If we can help to direct students to more of these types of campuses and help students to understand them to be realistic and accessible places , have them apply to these schools at greater frequency and ultimately get in and enroll , we are going to raise the success rate , " Rubinoff said , citing a variety of colleges ranging from large state institutions to smaller private schools .

  5. 相关企业和国家机构有必要考虑一下这些潜在的变化所带来的伦理问题,从而创造一个对所有人都更美好的未来。

    It is necessary for the companies and state agencies involved to consider the ethical consequences of these potential changes to build a better future for all .

  6. 工会将试图合并其群体纳入一个国家机构。

    The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into one national body .

  7. 像DonateaPhone和CollectiveGood这些国家机构回收二手手机再卖,把收益捐献给慈善机构。

    National programs like Donate a Phone and Collective Good accept used phones and resell them , giving the proceeds to charities .

  8. 其是被国家机构(如AHA)倡导的的标准技术来慰藉想确定他们的孩子接受稳定、高质量的保健的父母。

    A standard technique advocated by a national organization like the AHA is reassuring to parents who want to be sure that their children are receiving consistent , high-quality care .

  9. 国家机构所需经费的大量节减。

    And ( 3 ) large-scale retrenchment in government expenditures .

  10. 美国拥有许多选择:研究型大学、国家机构、

    America 's menu of options - research universities , state institutions ,

  11. 向国家机构提供技术援助行动纲领

    Programme of Action for Technical Assistance to National Institutions

  12. 但是很重要的是国家机构为这一研究负起责任。

    But it is very important that national agencies take responsibility for this research .

  13. 有关国家机构地位的原则

    Principles relating to the status of national institutions

  14. 这个党控制了国家机构。

    The party controls the state machinery .

  15. 没有任何一个公司或国家机构能够仅凭自己的力量就取得进展。

    No firm or national authority had the capacity to make progress on its own .

  16. 从职责权限上来看,这些机构已具备了近代宪政国家机构的轮廓。

    From the duties , these agencies already had a rough sketch of modern constitutional state .

  17. 但它没有在建造国家机构的世俗任务和实践中做好准备,就被扫地出局了。

    But it was caught unprepared for the practical and mundane tasks of building state institutions .

  18. 非洲国家机构协调委员会

    Coordinating Committee of African National Institutions

  19. 会议将讨论政府部门改革和国家机构领导人建议人选。

    The party is discussing the restructuring of government departments and candidates for state leadership posts .

  20. 关于老龄问题的国家机构

    National machineries on ageing

  21. 这款侦察机是根据美国军方和其他国家机构的要求特别设计的。

    The device has been especially designed to meet the requirements of US military and other governmental agencies .

  22. 亚穆苏克罗只是科特迪瓦名存实亡的首都,实际上那里没有任何大使馆或者国家机构。

    Yamoussoukro is the capital in name only and doesn 't actually have any embassies or state institutions .

  23. 不管美国国家机构退化的深层次原因是什么,杰出人士已经开始注意到了这个问题。

    Whatever the root causes of the deterioration of American institutions , smart people are starting to notice it .

  24. (三)制定和修改刑事、民事、国家机构的和其他的基本法律;

    To enact and amend basic laws governing criminal offences , civil affairs , the state organs and other matters ;

  25. 行政垄断是国家机构运用公共权力对市场竞争的禁止、限制或排斥。

    Administrative monopoly is that the national institutions exert public rights to forbid , limit , baffle , and exclude market competition .

  26. 似乎看不到这里正处于国家机构停止运转的脆弱局势中的任何迹象。

    There didn 't seem to be any sense that the country is in a fragile situation that institutions aren 't working .

  27. 因此曼德拉对法院、媒体和国家机构独立性的坚定支持确立了一个重要的先例。

    So Mandela 's unflinching support for the independence of the courts , the media and state institutions set a vital precedent .

  28. 非政府组织将取代应该已破败不堪的民族国家机构,并创立新的、更具活力的政治活动体制。

    Non-governmental organisations would supersede the supposedly worn out institutions of the nation state and create new , more vibrant forms of political activity .

  29. 上世纪80年代后西方国家机构投资者积极主义兴起,机构投资者参与公司治理成为公司外部治理机制的重要组成部分。

    The institutional investor activism rise during 1980s in the western countries . Institutional investor taking part in corporate governance has been an important mechanism .

  30. 在上一个世纪,本土金融可以通过国家机构来抑制(监管、立法和中央银行等等)。

    Domestic finance could be tamed in the previous century through national institutions ( regulation , legislation , central banks , and so on ) .