
ɡuó nèi shuì shōu
  • internal revenue;inland revenue
  1. 与120万英镑的总债务相比,他们所欠国内税收署的那点钱实在不算什么。

    What they owe to the Inland Revenue is small fry compared to the overall £ 1.2 million debt

  2. 你每向养老金计划中投入100英镑,国内税收署就会将其补加至125英镑。

    For every £ 100 you invest into a pension plan the Inland Revenue makes it up to £ 125 .

  3. WTO对成员国的国内税收要求原则是我国进行税制改革必须遵循的原则。

    The requirement to the members of WTO is the principle that we must follow in our reform of the tax system .

  4. 一位名为austangoolsbee的青年精英建议免除美国40%的纳税人申报自己捐税收入的义务,因为国内税收署业已了解到他们的收入,并且要求他们的雇主和银行提供相关记录。

    One gem : a young wonk named Austan Goolsbee suggested that 40 % of American taxpayers should be exempted from filling in their own tax returns because the internal revenue service already knows what they earn , having demanded records from their employers and banks .

  5. 他被发现犯有欺诈国内税收署的罪行。

    He was found guilty of defrauding the internal revenue service .

  6. 国内税收部正在调查给该基金的捐款。

    The Inland Revenue is investigating donations made to the fund .

  7. 联邦所得税事项由《国内税收法典》调整。

    The federal income tax is governed by the Internal Revenue Code .

  8. 南希是否希望他秘密地向国内税收局通个风?

    Eg. did nancy want him to tip off the IRS confidentially ?

  9. 国内税收流失类型分析

    On Analysis of the Types of the Taxation Loss

  10. “税法”是指,经修正后的«1986年国内税收法»。

    " Code " means the Internal Revenue Code of1986 , as mended .

  11. 根据国内税收规则,这是收入。

    By Inland Revenue rules this is income .

  12. 最近我们正在使国内税收工作计算机化。

    We are currently computerizing the Inland revenue .

  13. 合理、有效的政策应当是关税与国内税收的配套协调改革。

    Coordinating tariff reduction and domestic tax reform will be an rational and efficiency policy .

  14. (三)进口关税及国内税收。

    Import duties and domestic taxes .

  15. 增加国内税收,并不意味着政府能够将这笔收入转换成外汇。

    Higher domestic taxes do not mean a government can translate this revenue into foreign exchange .

  16. 对财务报告和按照国内税收法报告的目的加以区别。

    Distinguish between the objectives of financial reporting and the reporting according to the Internal Revenue Code .

  17. 一个是证券交易管理委员会,另一个是国内税收署。

    One is the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ); another is the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS )

  18. 在1918年财政年度内,一年的国内税收额第一次突破10亿美元大关。

    In fiscal year 1918 annual internal revenue collections passed the billion dollar ( thousand-million-dollar ) mark for the first time .

  19. 我很满意国内税收,以同样相应的费用加大外国的同类产品上

    I am satisfied that internal duties and excises , with corresponding imposts on foreign articles of the same kind , would

  20. 运用现代信息技术实现数据信息的高度集中,已成为国际和国内税收信息化的发展方向。

    It becomes the international and inland revenue info 's development direction that collects to heavens using the modern times info technology .

  21. 国际税务争议的解决以国际税收仲裁为主,但是也有一些国家(像美国)就采用过国内税收仲裁的方式解决国际税务争议。

    International tax arbitration is often used , but America had used the national tax arbitration to resolve the international tax disputes .

  22. 我很满意国内税收,以同样相应的费用加大外国的同类产品上,

    I am satisfied that internal duties and excises , with corresponding imposts on foreign articles of the same kind , would ,

  23. 论中间品贸易存在条件下国内税收、出口退税与汇率调整对出口企业最优销量的影响

    Impacts of Changes in Domestic Tax , Export Rebate and Exchange Rate on the Exporting Firm 's Optimal Selling Quantity with Trade in Intermediate Goods

  24. 一是完善国内税收制度。二是按照惯例建立和完善跨国并购保证制度。

    Firstly , improve the domestic tax system , secondly , establish and perfect the guarantee system of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in accordance with established practice .

  25. 近年来,增值税的扩容问题就一直是国内税收学界探讨的一个重要课题,陆续出现了一批研究成果。

    In recent years , the expansion of value-added tax is an important topic in tax academic study , been found in a number of research results .

  26. 这些分析得出如下的结论:就单一政策的调整效力而言,出口退税优于国内税收与汇率政策;

    These analysis brings the following results : under protected trade and with respect to the effectiveness of the single policy , the export rebate is superior to the domestic tax and exchange rate ;

  27. 在当前的国内税收竞争中,省际税收竞争已成为现实中普遍存在的客观现象,过度的恶性税收竞争将会导致极大的消极作用,所以防止省际间恶性税收竞争是现实的需要。

    In the current domestic tax competition , inter-provincial tax competition has become a common phenomenon . Harmful tax competition will lead to a significant negative effect , so we should prevent inter-provincial harmful tax competition .

  28. 各国政府可根据国情,出台国内税收或法规:只要排放者能够利用全球交易机制,他们就会有强烈的动机,以最低成本的方式削减排放。

    Governments could apply domestic taxes or regulation as they saw fit : so long as emitters had access to a global trading scheme , they would have strong incentives to cut emissions where it is the least costly .

  29. 根据1862年通过的税法还设立了“国内税收委员办公室”,这一机构有权评估和征收税款,并可通过剥夺财产和收入,以及提出刑事起诉等手段征税。

    The1862 tax law also established the office of the Commissioner of internal revenue , which was given the power to assess , levy and collect taxes , and the right to enforce tax laws through property and income seizures and through prosecution .

  30. 修正一九七四年员工退休所得安全法第1编、公共健康服务法第27编,及一九八六年国内税收法典以延长一年有关心理健康福利特定限制之同等适用。

    TO AMEND TITLE I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of1974 , Title XXVII of the public health service act , and the internal revenue code of1986to extend by one year provisions requiring parity in the application of certain limits to mental health benefits .