
  1. 要提高团日活动的实效性首先应该创新保障机制。

    Firstly , safeguard mechanism should be innovated .

  2. 高校团日活动是团组织对共青团员进行思想政治教育的重要阵地。

    In college , league activities are the important form to conduct ideological and political education on Youth League members .

  3. 论文的难点是对高校团日活动现状的深度挖掘,重点是团日活动的创新措施。

    The difficulties are the deep dig of the states quo in the colleges ' league activities . The important point is the innovative actions .

  4. 成功的团日活动不但能够团结支部成员,让成员体验乐趣,提升成员的整体素养,创造一定的社会价值,获得社会的认可,而且可以促进支部组织优化,扩大支部影响。

    Successful league activities can not only unite branch members , improve the whole qualities , create some social values , but also make some improvement and expand its influence .

  5. 所以在开展团日活动时,应该加强思想政治教育,引导学生树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观。

    As a result , when the Youth League activities are performed , more ideological and political education should be exalted , and help students build scientific outlook of the world , life and value .