- 网络internet economy

The Revolution of Telecommunication System and Internet Economy Communication ICs Communications ICs
Great changes have taken place in the world economy since 1990s . The development of science and information makes information technology , computer and Internet become main power of the development of economy .
An internet-driven economy blurs the line between bricks and clicks .
The economy based on high-technology and the Internet is the source of future prosperity .
Industry has spent the last five years trying to define the role the Internet would play in the global economy .
New economic time is a period full of challenges & opportunities , and the internet is a primary impetus for the increase of new economy time .
Based on the affirmation of the existence of digital divide , the article selects several indexes to test the relationship between Internet development and economical development .
The approaches and mechanisms to uniting the value conflicts in the age of globalization can be summarized as four aspects : internet , knowledge economy , global market and world organization .
The Economic Pattern of the Internet with the Setting of Globalization
Economic Analysis of Internet Utilizing Demand in China
With the development of information technology , especially the invention of the Internet , economy globalization has become the main trend ; the state intervention and domination are fading away and the barriers of market competition are being methodically eliminated with the circulation of capital more freely and globally .