
huí láng
  • cloister;ambulatory;winding corridor
回廊 [huí láng]
  • (1) [ambulatory]∶有顶棚的散步处

  • (2) 修道院中的走廊部分

  • (3) 教堂半圆形后殿的走道

  • (4) 某些教堂中在祭坛后并在圣坛以外的一个通道,可供列队通行无阻

  • (5) [winding corridor]∶曲折环绕的走廊

回廊[huí láng]
  1. 这个塔带回廊看起来很奇特。

    The tower looks odd with the winding corridor .

  2. 洗礼盆放在一圆顶形的华盖下面,四周环绕着柱子和后堂回廊,这是由拜占庭人首先使用的建筑特色。

    The font itself was set beneath a dome-shaped baldachin and encircled by columns and an ambulatory , features first used by the Byzantines .

  3. 这些13世纪的回廊是意大利中部最美的建筑。

    The thirteenth-century cloisters are amongst the most beautiful in central Italy .

  4. 官僚主义就如迷宫中的回廊,又象小巷般的繁文缛节(威廉H.哈勒汉)

    The labyrinthine corridors and alleys of bureaucratic red tape ( William H. Hallahan )

  5. 回廊模(Whispering-gallerymode)微腔已经得到了广泛的研究。

    The whispering-gallery mode microcavities have been extensively researched .

  6. 15年前,牛津大学(universityofoxford)开设商学院的想法还曾经引发了导师们的强烈抗议,导师们怒不可遏的抗议声回响在这座古老学府的回廊上空。

    It was just 15 years ago that the voices of outraged dons reverberated through the corridors of the University of Oxford , in protest at the mere thought that the ancient institution would have a business school .

  7. 3.1)corridor(n.)走廊,回廊才华扬溢的钢琴家暨作曲家萧邦逝于1849年10月17日,他被葬在法国的一处公墓。

    The body of the 1 ) brilliant pianist and 2 ) composer Frederic Chopin , who died on October 17 , 1849 , can be found in a Paris 3 ) cemetery .

  8. 你能在幕后见到我们的OOTP的丹相片回廊。

    You can see the photos of Dan in our OOTP Behind the Scenes Gallery .

  9. 一般说来,光纤环体积庞大难以实现光集成;而具有潜在设计优势的则是基于平板波导技术的微型波导环,俗称耳语回廊模式(WGM)微环。

    Typically , systems based on traditional optical fiber ring technology are bulky and incompatible with photonic integration . One of the most promising designs is planar-waveguide-based integrated micro-ring resonator , also called whispering-gallery-mode ( WGM ) micro-resonator .

  10. 煤气储气罐外部回廊设一氧化碳检测装置探讨

    Discussion on Installation of CO Detector on External Gallery of Gasholder

  11. 南京建筑与艺术展览馆钢结构回廊变形分析

    The Analysis of Deformation of the Steel Structure About the Museum

  12. 我试试荡到回廊上去。

    I think I can swing this over to the balcony .

  13. 球微腔介质的回廊模近似解

    Analytical Expressions of Whispering Gallery Modes in a Spherical Dielectric Microcavity

  14. 用回廊环绕,例如花园。

    Surround with a cloister , as of a garden .

  15. 上下三层,中空,有回廊。

    The structure has three floors , and is hollow with corridors .

  16. 设回廊于用回廊装饰(一幢建筑)

    To furnish ( a building ) with a cloister .

  17. 大修道院以回廊把最主要的建筑连接在一起。

    The cloister linked the most important elements of an abbey together .

  18. 中庭建筑回廊排烟方法的模拟实验研究

    Experimental Study on Venting From The Cloister of Atrium

  19. 艾莉亚既兴奋又紧张地看看门外的回廊。

    Wary but excited , Arya checked the hall .

  20. 贝壳的回廊上那些带着异兆的伤。

    The portent wound in corridors of shells .

  21. 他环抱着回廊那潮湿的柱子。

    He coiled around the moist cloister pillars .

  22. 回廊一带依然保留有几分当年的幽静出世之慨。

    The cloisters still retain something of the quiet and seclusion of former days .

  23. 这里的学生每天穿过回廊,走到他们所说的“小礼堂”。

    The pupils here come through the cloisters ever day to what they call the chapel .

  24. 他躺在回廊里,看冬天的阳光浴着拉严的窗帘消失。

    He lay on the sleeping-porch and watched the winter sun slide along the taut curtains .

  25. 一道带有秋意的黄色阳光,正从回廊环绕的广场上空倾泻下来;

    The sun was pouring down a yellow autumnal ray into the square of the cloisters ;

  26. 穿越一个凹陷的小庭院,沿着荒废的回廊行走。两旁墙壁,一副副无人使用的铠甲好似站立的卫兵。

    and along a deserted corridor where empty suits of armor stood sentinel along the walls .

  27. 四合院,回廊还有拱门遍布各个角落,宛如迷宫,这些古老的建筑无一不都散发出典雅迷人的传统气息。

    labyrinth of quads , cloisters , and archways , it evokes elegance and tradition at every turn .

  28. 它占地290公顷,亭台楼阁和回廊小桥比比皆是。

    It covers an area of290 hectares , and has halls , pavilions , corridors and bridges almost everywhere .

  29. 它被艾玛轮流了难的谁在国立肖像回廊对于展览轮流我的相片。

    It was taken by Emma Hardy who took my photo for the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery .

  30. 通过本文的研究,对中庭建筑回廊及走廊的空调负荷提供了一定的数值参考,对于工程实际中负荷计算有一定的指导意义。

    By the present study , numerical reference on air-conditioning load of the corridor in atrium building is provided for engineering .