
  • 网络repeat customer;returned customer;return customer
  1. 他为自己拥有高比例的回头客感到自豪。

    He was proud of his high percentage of repeat customers .

  2. 回头客有折扣

    repeat customers get a discount .

  3. 我们近60%的订单来自于回头客和熟人介绍。

    Nearly 60 % of our bookings come from repeat business and personal recommendation .

  4. 回头客越来越多了——这显然表明我们的路走对了。

    Guests are returning in increasing numbers — a sure sign that we are on the right track

  5. 职场“回头客”还可以指被解聘,之后又重新被雇佣为顾问或者合同工的人。

    Boomerang is an employee who is laid off and then rehired as a consultant1 or contract worker .

  6. 职场“回头客”指的是辞职另谋职位后,又返回原公司工作的人。

    Boomerang refers to an employee who quits to take another job and later returns to the company .

  7. 服务做得好的公司看看西南航空(Southwest)和美国网络鞋店Zappos在保证盈利的情况下都实现了企业增长,并赢得了回头客。

    Companies that get service right – see southwest and Zappos – are rewarded with profitable growth and devoted customers .

  8. Wong表示,这样做的回报就是赢得了一大批客户,包括中东地区一些主要的零售商,有些试探性的询价最后变成稳定的回头客订单流,有时订购量多达10万件。

    The reward has been a list of clients including leading Middle Eastern retailers , with some initial inquiries turning into a steady flow of repeat orders , sometimes for up to 100,000 pieces , says Mr Wong .

  9. 站点推介信息只是Orbitz这类网站考虑的事情之一,这人是回头客吗?

    Information about the referring site is only one of the things that a site like Orbitz will consider . Is the person a return visitor ?

  10. 餐厅经理卡纳安•坦加拉贾(KannanThangaraj)表示:“在新加坡,从海外招募人手非常困难,因此使用机器人非常有帮助。顾客们因为机器人而成为回头客。他们喜欢看到机器人。”

    Kannan Thangaraj , the restaurant 's manager , said : " In Singapore it 's very difficult to get manpower from overseas , so it 's very helpful to get a robot . The customers are coming back because of the robot . They like to see it . "

  11. 架构比较好的网站往往能获得更多的回头客。

    A well structured informative website also receives more return visitors .

  12. 酒店业中培养回头客的意义及措施探析

    Meaning and measures of cultivating loyal customer in hotel industry

  13. 反过来,这也让亚马逊赢得了一批忠实的回头客。

    Amazon , in turn , gets loyal return customers .

  14. 你大部分的客人是回头客还是一次性的?

    Are most of your clients , regular or one-offs ?

  15. 周末,我这儿回头客特别多。

    I have a lot of old customers coming back on weekends .

  16. 出错率,回头客,顾客满意度,新产品的引入。

    Error rates , customer returns , customer satisfaction , new product introduction .

  17. 吸引了众多的回头客

    that keep the customers coming back for more .

  18. 您也许是一个回头客,如果是这样,欢迎回来!

    You may be a frequently returning customer , if so welcome back !

  19. 用商业的角度来说我是他们的回头客。

    In business terms , I was what they call a repeat customer .

  20. 更糟糕的是,购买全价产品的回头客不足20%。

    Worse , less than 20 % return to the business for full-price purchases .

  21. 丰富而深厚的文化可使外派人员成为“回头客”。

    And a culture that is rich and deep will keep expats coming back .

  22. 提高了客户忠诚度,留住回头客。

    Improved customer loyalty leading to repeat business .

  23. 这几款配置都采用了背光键盘这几款机型的标准配置重新回归背光键盘,这一点值得欢迎个配置为它吸引了不少回头客。

    The backlit keyboard also makes a welcome return as a standard feature on all models .

  24. 世上没人有好运气,除了林赛·罗韩的律师吧,有她这个回头客。

    No one has any luck ... with the possible exception of Lindsay Lohan 's lawyer .

  25. 只有良好口碑才能够赢得回头客,缔结品牌忠诚度。

    Only the good word of mouth to win repeat business , enter into brand loyalty .

  26. 所有豪华车厂商都在努力赢得年轻买主的青睐,希望将这些人变成回头客。

    All luxury car manufacturers struggle to win younger customers they hope to convert into repeat buyers .

  27. 通过该项调查所提供的路线图,任何公司均可以招揽新客户,培养回头客。

    The findings provide a road map any company can use to court new and repeat customers .

  28. 只要你不太嚣张,总是会有回头客的。

    As long as you don 't take the piss , people will always come back for more .

  29. 这样的轮回演出让新明星可以加入到演员阵容中,带来很多回头客;

    Rotating like this allows fresh celebrities to be added to the casts , which fuels repeat business ;

  30. 但质量是赚得回头客的主要原因,近来的设计大奖与出口情况证明了这一点。

    But quality is the main reason people return as evidenced by recent awards for design and exports .