
  1. 我不喜欢为一点小毛病就去看医生。

    I don 't like to visit the doctor just for something trivial .

  2. 玛丽总喜欢为极小的事而争论。

    Mary is always ready to argue over the smallest issues .

  3. 很多鸟喜欢为过冬储存食物,这些食物它们之后会取用。

    Many birds like to store food for the winter , which they subsequently retrieve .

  4. 也许最让西方客人吃惊的事情之一是,中国主人喜欢为客人挑选食物,这在西方餐桌上是不会发生的。

    Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors , which won 't happen at western tables .

  5. 在反拍的歌曲里面,我喜欢为大部分的乐器运用一个短衰减(decay)。

    In up-tempo songs , I like to use a short decay for most of the instruments .

  6. 尽管拖延症患者喜欢为自己的行为找借口,但是BBC专栏作家罗曼•佩林则表示他们都错了。

    Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior , but BBC columnist Rowan Pelling says they are all wrong .

  7. 他比RheaTauber年轻一点。RheaTauber以前是学校老师,喜欢为当地报纸写专栏,现在正在写自传,她最近刚刚度过100岁生日。

    He is younger compare to the Rhea Tauber , a former school teacher , she likes to write columns for a local paper , and is working on her Autobiography , and she recently turned 100 .

  8. 既然你喜欢为我而战。

    And since you love to fight my quarrels for me .

  9. 他还是喜欢为病人开对苯酚的药。

    He also likes to reserve the quinolones for compromised patients .

  10. 天哪,我可不喜欢为用什么姿势争吵,甜心。

    Golly , I hate to bicker about positions , sweetheart .

  11. 儿童不喜欢为成人而写的书。

    Small children don 't like books that are intended for adults .

  12. 事实上,很少有人喜欢为别人买单。

    Few of us actually enjoy picking up the tab for others .

  13. 他私下喜欢为卡通片配音。

    He has a secret ambition to do cartoon voices .

  14. 您喜欢为一家外国公司工作吗?

    How do you like working for a foreign company ?

  15. 如果你实在没发现的话,我告诉你我喜欢为人瞩目

    In case you haven 't noticed , I like the attention .

  16. 我喜欢为自己的心上人削苹果皮。

    I like to peel apples for my sweetheart .

  17. 至少我不喜欢为我开的生日晚会。

    At least , I don 't like birthday parties given for me .

  18. 但是我不喜欢为这个撒谎。

    But I don 't Iike Iying about it .

  19. 我们总喜欢为孩子策划派对。

    We always loved planning parties for the kids .

  20. 他们喜欢为维珍工作,也不想离开维珍。

    They enjoy working for Virgin . They don 't like leaving Virgin .

  21. 我总是喜欢为弱方加油。

    I always like to root for the underdog .

  22. 他们不喜欢为专横的老板工作。

    They do not like working for heavy-handed bosses .

  23. 你觉得他喜欢为你工作?

    You think he likes working for you ?

  24. 但我不喜欢为放进我嘴里的每份食物而感到压力。

    But I don 't like stressing about everything I put in my mouth .

  25. 她喜欢为别人剃光头。

    She likes shaving other people 's heads .

  26. 那两位脱口秀主持人说他们更喜欢为环境宽松没有过多限制的电台工作。

    The two talkshow hosts say they prefer to work for no-holds-barred radio stations .

  27. 她喜欢为他弹琴唱歌。

    She enjoyed singing and playing to him .

  28. 他喜欢为闲谈而闲谈。

    He enjoys chat for its own sake .

  29. 我喜欢为将来在一起打算。

    I liked thinking about a future together .

  30. 蚊子在长期存在的水塘繁殖,它们也并不喜欢为觅食长途跋涉。

    Mosquitoes breed in standing water and don 't like to travel far for food .