
hóu long
  • throat;larynx;the gullet
喉咙 [hóu lóng]
  • [throat;larynx] 笼统指咽喉部

喉咙[hóu long]
  1. 她喉咙哽咽得说不出话来,只是看着她的婴儿。

    Her throat felt tight , just looking at her baby .

  2. 我很害怕,感到喉咙发紧。

    I could feel a knot of fear in my throat .

  3. 我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话。

    I had a sore throat and could only croak .

  4. 她喉咙发紧,使劲地咽了一下唾沫。

    Her throat constricted and she swallowed hard .

  5. 他拿刀子顶着她的喉咙。

    He held the knife to her throat .

  6. 那孩子的喉咙被拉了个口子。

    The child 's throat had been slit .

  7. 她感到喉咙发干发紧。

    Her throat felt dry and constricted .

  8. 潘蒂埃里扑向他,紧紧地扼住他的喉咙。

    Pantieri went for him , gripping him by the throat .

  9. 他喉咙深处有一股金属味儿。

    There was a metallic taste at the back of his throat .

  10. 杰拉尔德爵士从喉咙里发出了点儿声音。

    Sir Gerald made a small noise in his throat .

  11. 索菲娅喉咙哽住了,说不出话来。

    Sofia 's throat had tightened and she couldn 't speak

  12. 她抿了一口水,润一下发干的喉咙。

    She took a sip of water to moisten her dry throat .

  13. 喉咙痛用冷敷布敷一下可能会好一些。

    Sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses .

  14. 我喉咙很干,不知说什么才好。

    My throat was dry . I was at a loss for words .

  15. 我走进她的办公室时,紧张得心都到了喉咙口。

    My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office .

  16. 很快她痛得大哭起来,同时用手捂着自己的喉咙。

    Soon she was crying bitterly about the pain and was holding her throat .

  17. “呀——”卡拉放开喉咙,发出女武神瓦尔基里一般的嘶喊声。

    ' Yaaaaaaa , ' Carla let rip with the cry of the Valkyries .

  18. 一想到尼克,她的喉咙就发紧。

    The thought of Nick made her throat tighten

  19. 在开暖气的房间里可用加湿器,防止吸入干燥空气造成喉咙不适。

    Use a humidifier in heated rooms to prevent dry air irritating your throat .

  20. 婴儿的喉咙接触到空气时,就会哭出来。

    The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby 's larynx

  21. 我站在那里,喉咙哽塞,拼命想止住眼泪。

    I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears

  22. 我的喉咙已经好几年没有像昨晚那样疼了。

    It 's years since I 've had a sore throat like I did last night

  23. 他们说有人割断了她的喉咙。

    They say somebody slit her throat

  24. “当然,一个幸存的也没有,”弗雷德说,喉咙发紧。

    ' There were no survivors , of course , ' said Fred , his throat tight .

  25. 他喉咙处上长了一个肿块。

    He has a growth on his throat .

  26. 他把卡在喉咙里的糖咯了出来。

    He coughed up the candy that was stuck in his throat .

  27. 骨头卡在喉咙里使他窒息。

    The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him .

  28. 也许不用动手术就能去除他喉咙卡着的那块骨刺。

    The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery .

  29. 我喉咙发痒。

    My throat tickles .

  30. 他声音中那低沉的拖腔有效地控制在喉咙里没有发出来。

    The Bay in his voice was well throttled back .