
  • 网络Product Tags;Labels
  1. 有机薄膜晶体管被广泛应用于智能卡、电子射频卡、传感器、商品标签等领域。近年来对于有机薄膜晶体管(OTFTs)的研究已经达到了商业应用水平。

    Organic thin film transistors ( OTFTs ) are widely applied in the fields of smart cards , electronic radio frequency cards , sensors , commodity labels , and so on .

  2. 而所有的商品标签都是中英两种文字。

    All goods bear labels in Chinese and English .

  3. 包括手提式棒用来读取数据对商品标签。

    Include hand-held wands used to read data on merchandise tags .

  4. 商品标签对客户来说是非常重要的。

    The merchandise label is very important to the customers .

  5. 或许我们很快就会看到汉语成为此类商品标签上的第一语言。

    Perhaps we will soon find Chinese as the first language on such products labels .

  6. 用于读入商品标签、信用卡和雇员证上编码信息的装置。

    A device used to read information encoded on merchandise tickets , credit cards , and employee badges .

  7. 将条形码读入器的端部在商品标签、信用卡和雇员证的磁性编码条纹上扫掠以读入信息。

    Passing the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket , credit card , or employee badge .

  8. 光学字符识别技术,它利用光敏感器件,是用来读码,商品标签,产品标签,信用卡收据及其他文件。

    OCR technology , which uses a light sensitive device , is used to read codes on merchandise tags , product labels , credit card receipts , and other documents .

  9. 或许我总查看的是沃尔玛里那些和我不对路的商品标签,在满是成堆的新罕布什尔州和田纳西商品的商店里找罕见的中国产品。

    Perhaps I was always checking the labels on the wrong things in Wal-Mart , homing in on rare Chinese products in a store packed with goods made in New Hampshire and Tennessee .

  10. 这家中国电商集团推出了类似二维码(构成一个正方形的条码,能够被智能手机扫描和读取)的新符号,如果阿里巴巴的线上卖家提出要求的话,这种难以被复制的符号将成为商品标签的一部分,以确保商品为正品。

    The Chinese ecommerce group unveiled new , hard-to-copy symbols that are similar to QR codes - the square , crossword puzzle-like bar codes that can be scanned and read by a smartphone camera - will become part of product labels to ensure authenticity if Alibaba 's online sellers request them .

  11. 在可编程商店系统(ss),利用磁性将信息记录在商品的标签、用卡或雇员证章上。

    In PSS , to magnetically record ticket , credit card , or employee badge .

  12. 他被指控调换了超市里的商品价格标签。

    He was accused of switching price labels on goods in a supermarket .

  13. 最初,商业外观仅指商品的标签或产品包装。

    Initially , the term trade dress signifies the labeling or packaging of a product .

  14. 如果有人试图移动标签或者带走标签商品,标签内的微型发声器将发出警报。

    A small speaker in the tag emits an alarm if someone attempts to remove the tag or to leave the store with tagged merchandise .

  15. 导致,更多的消费者寻求非转基因消费品,尼尔森广告公司今年二月份报告非转基因商品品牌标签需求最大。

    As a result , more and more consumers are seeking non-GMO choices , and Nielson reported in February of this year that " GMO-free " is now the fastest growing store brand label claim .

  16. 自电影诞生之日起,电影就被贴上了商品属性的标签。

    Since the born of the film , the film has been labeled as a commodity .

  17. 一种依恋放大设备来存储商品放大商品标签的资料,包括一个光学倍率成员搁置,一个用于连接到支架

    A magnification device for attachment to store merchandise shelving for magnifying merchandise labeling information including an optical magnification member ; a bracket for attachment to

  18. 他和其它专家们建议购物者看看商品旁货架标签上的商品单个价格。

    So he and other experts recommend shoppers look at the item 's cost per unit , which is found on the shelf sticker next to the item .

  19. 每件商品都有贴有标签,便于您选择。

    The price tag is stapled on every piece of goods so that you can make your choice .

  20. 欧盟星期三批准了新准则,呼吁把以色列制造的商品都打上标签,此举立即遭到以色列的谴责。

    The European Union approved new guidelines Wednesday calling for labels identifying goods made in Israeli settlements in a move swiftly condemned by Israel .

  21. 除了新的地平线2020的指导方针外,欧盟还在考虑出台规定,要求以色列在定居点生产并销往欧洲的水果、蔬菜等商品上贴上标签明示。

    Apart from the new Horizon 2020 guidelines , Brussels is also considering adopting rules that require labelling of fruit , vegetables and other goods produced in settlements that are sold in the EU .

  22. 作为纯黄金的世园特许商品,每幅产品均有西安特许商品防伪和价格标签,配有鉴定报告,弥足珍贵。

    As a pure gold world garden licensed merchandise that each of the product are xian licensed merchandise anti-counterfeiting and price tag , equipped with appraisal report , very precious .