
shānɡ pǐn xué
  • Commodity Science;commercial knowledge of commodities
  1. 鉴于WTO法律文本涉及多门学科,如政治、经济、国际贸易、商品学、价格学等,要译好此类文本并不容易。

    As WTO legal text relates to various subjects , such as politics , economics , international trade , merchandising and price theory , it poses some difficulties for translating this kind of text .

  2. 中药商品学教学方法的探讨

    Discussed with the teaching method of Traditional Chinese medicine Commodity Study

  3. 商品学课程在高职物流管理专业的教学改革探索

    Studies on Commodity Science Teaching of Logistics Management in Higher-Vocational Colleges

  4. 中药商品学实验的设计与教学实践

    Design and Teaching Practice for the Experiment in Commerce of Chinese Medicines

  5. 当代中国商品学学科发展回顾

    Reviewing the Development of Contemporary Merchandising Study in China

  6. 课程实习在商品学教学中的应用

    Use of Course Practice in the Teaching of Commodity

  7. 谈高职商品学课程模块教学法的应用

    Application of Module Teaching Method on the Goods Study Course in Higher Vocational Colleges

  8. 商品学案例教学之媒体设计

    Media Design in Case Teaching of Commodity Science

  9. 目的探索《中药商品学》实践教学体系。

    Objective To explore the system of practice teaching of Chinese materia medica commoditology .

  10. 商品学案例教学改革探讨

    Research on case Teaching Reform of Commodity Science

  11. 高职《商品学》课程教学改革探索

    Teaching Commodity Studies in Vocational Colleges

  12. 高职院校课程标准化建设研究&以商品学为例

    Study on Curriculum Standardization Construction in Higher Vocational College & Taking commodity science as an example

  13. 财经类院校的商品学教学研究

    Study of the Teaching of the Science of Commodity in Finance and Economics Colleges and Universities

  14. 雕塑艺术与商品学

    Sculpture Art & Merchandising

  15. 深化改革与时俱进&关于商品学教学工作的几点思考

    Deepening the Reform and Keeping Pace with the Times & Some Thoughts on the Teaching of Commodity Science

  16. 高等教育要重视商品学在流通经济中的研究与应用

    Great Importance Should Be Attached to the Research and Application on Commodity in Economy of Circulation in Higher Education

  17. 入世后,中国商品学学科的研究和教育日益受到国家和社会各界的重视并得以不断发展。

    The research and education of Commodity Science has been taken into account by the nation and the society after China joins in WTO .

  18. 实践证明,《中药商品学实验》教材适用于市场营销专业的学生使用;

    Practice proved that teaching material of experiment in commerce of Chinese medicines was suitable for the students who made a speciality of medicine marketing .

  19. 高职商品学课程实训教学的目的是培养学生应用能力和实践能力,增强学生的学习效果。

    The goal of practical training teaching on higher vocational commodity studies curriculum is to train students'applicable ability and practical ability , and strength their study effect .

  20. 在市场经济体制下,单纯地以自然科学为基础进行商品学研究和教育,不能适应社会发展的需要。

    It is not adapted to the need of social development that we research and educate Commodity Science only on the base of natural science under market economy .

  21. 从商品学和美学的角度分析并总结紫砂茶具的美学特征。总结了各个时代紫砂茶具的文化特色。

    And we analyzed the aesthetics characteristics of purple clay teapot from merchandise and aesthetics study , and summarized the culture characteristic of purple clay teapot in each times .

  22. 本文从商品学特点及商品学教育目的出发,通过对传统教学方法与案例教学方法加以比较,对商品学案例在教学实践中的运用进行了初步探讨。

    Based on characteristics and training abjectives of commodity science , the paper makes a comparison between the traditional teaching method and case teaching method and discusses how to use cases in teaching practice .

  23. 从商品学、经济学、市场营销学、消费社会学等多学科出发,对中国武术的未来发展进行了多视角的研究,借此来探寻中国武术在现实社会中的商品化发展途径。

    From the commodity , economics , marketing , consumption , sociology and other subjects , to starting the future development of WuShu , and to explore the commercial development approach of WuShu in the real world .

  24. 商品学是解决生产和消费带来环境问题和社会问题的理论基础之一,对落实发展循环经济、实现可持续发展、构建和谐社会、寻找再生资源起到一定的指导作用。

    Commodity production and consumption and to address environmental and social problems brought about by one of the bases for the theory of the cycle of economic development , achieve sustainable development , building a harmonious society , the search for renewable resources play a guiding role .

  25. 木材商品检验学CAI课件的研制

    Design of CAI Courseware of Wood Products Checking

  26. 木材商品检验学是以一般商品检验的理论知识为基础、以木材检验为技术的学科。

    Wood products checking is the discipline of considering common products checking theories as basis and wood checking as techniques .

  27. 通过对山东某肉鸡养殖场发病的商品肉鸡组织病理学检查和将病料接种鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF),我们在国内首次从商品代肉鸡中分离到了J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)。

    Subgroup J of avian leukosis virus ( ALV J ) was firstly isolated from commercial broiler flocks with significant clinical symptoms in Jining city of Shandong province in China by inoculating chicken embryo fibroblast cells ( CEF ) and using pathologic diagnosis .

  28. 这是天大的秘密?盯住你了如指掌的商品(或者先学了再开始做),好好包装,再提供完善的客户服务。

    The big secrets ? Stick to products you know ( orlearn before you start ) extremely well , package your goods carefully , and provide impeccable customer service .