
  • 网络Business Acumen;business savvy;business-savvy;business sense;Commercial Awareness
  1. 有商业头脑的领导人往往能有助于公司兴旺发达。他们的“商业头脑”招来强烈抗议,并被指与盗墓者无异。

    Heads with good business sense often can help their companies grow prosperous .

  2. 我们的父亲是位优秀的设计师,但他没有商业头脑。

    Our father was a good designer , but he had no business sense .

  3. 他精明的商业头脑令其青云直上。

    His sharp business acumen meant he quickly rose to the top .

  4. 此人不同凡响,具有异常敏锐的商业头脑。

    He was an unusual man with great business talents .

  5. 他机智诙谐,具有敏锐的商业头脑。

    He was witty , amusing and gifted with a sharp business brain .

  6. 2.他是慈善心肠与商业头脑的完美结合。

    He is a perfect blend of a charitable / philanthropic heart and a business head .

  7. 他太轻信别人,或者换句话说,他没有商业头脑

    He was too trusting — or , to put it another way , he had no head for business .

  8. 但是毋庸置疑的是,Richard颇有商业头脑。

    But Mr Richard clearly has lots of business nous .

  9. (公司CEO)唐•格林汉姆以其无可比拟的风范、道德规范和商业头脑引领这家公司渡过了非常艰难的一段时期。

    [ CEO ] Don Graham has guided the company through a very tough period with grace , ethics , and business savvy that are unparalleled .

  10. 我们的“长期资本”(patientcapital)策略要求我们投资于那些具有商业头脑,同时对于边缘化人群抱有同情心、用他们的头脑和心去思考的企业家。

    Our " patient capital " approach requires us to invest in entrepreneurs who possess a fine balance of business acumen and compassion for the marginalised , someone who thinks with their head and their heart .

  11. 在设立卓越中心(CoE)时,你需要的是:坚韧力、行政能力和商业头脑。

    When you build a CoE you need : Tenacity , Political skills , and be Business savvy .

  12. 他的商业头脑带领该俱乐部经历了6年的现代化——建造中心场地的屋顶、为有争议的触线球引入鹰眼(Hawk-Eye)技术、增加转播权收入、升级场馆设施以及给女性球员与男性球员一样多的奖金。

    His business acumen had steered it through six years of modernisation - building the centre court 's roof , introducing Hawk-Eye technology for disputed line calls , increasing rights revenues , upgrading facilities and giving women equal prize money to men .

  13. 西门庆的商业头脑与商业道德

    Commercial The Commercial Mind and Morality of XI Meng-qing business vision

  14. 和所有这些商业头脑都有这种边缘的竞争优势。

    and all these business minds have this edge to compete .

  15. 有商业头脑的香港人知道,是北京在给自己手上的面包涂抹黄油。

    Its business-savvy population knows its bread is buttered in Beijing .

  16. 所以他是很有商业头脑的

    So he 'd got the business side pretty clearly .

  17. 他的商业头脑使他很成功。

    His business acumen has made his very successful .

  18. 同时,你也不必限制自己与其他具备商业头脑的亲人的合作。

    You dont have to limit your collaboration to other business-minded folks either .

  19. 我们缺乏将纤维应用于非服装产品的商业头脑。

    We have scant commercial idea about application of fibres for non-clothing applications .

  20. 甚具商业头脑,饶富创意有才华。

    She is intelligent in business with creative mind .

  21. 他的行销策略与商业头脑,为他创下新的事业版图。

    His marketing strategies and business mindset have created his own business empire .

  22. 杨澜除了在电视主持方面出人一等外,她敏锐的商业头脑使她杨明远外。

    Yang 's TV skills are matched by a keen mind for business .

  23. 他有好的商业头脑。

    He has a good head for business .

  24. 具有商业头脑,思维缜密活跃。

    Business savvy , street smart and able to think out of the box .

  25. 对一名学生而言,有助于培养其商业头脑的正是辅导式教学。

    For one student , it was coaching that helped develop her business ideas .

  26. 她有着非常能干的商业头脑。

    She has a very capable business brain .

  27. 拜托啦我需要你的商业头脑

    Please ? I need your business savvy .

  28. 具有商业头脑的电影导演很少。

    Film directors with business savvy are rare .

  29. 医生的父亲没有商业头脑,他破产了。

    The doctor 's father had no head for business , and he went under .

  30. 我可是很有商业头脑的。

    I got a brain for business .