- 名commercialism;mercantilism

Many of his Greenwich Village associates thought Dylan had sold out to commercialism .
The danger of commercialism is that the churches end up dancing to the tune of their big business sponsors .
But underneath her commercialism and pragmatism , she has her principles .
Great art and commercialism are surely mutually exclusive .
Academic Culture and the Research Intensive University : The Impact of Commercialism and Scientism
Hung Tung-Lu 's fantastical light-boxes speak of consumerism and the post-modern encounter between east and west .
Commercialism has been carefully warded off so that neither universities nor their students would become money-oriented .
It didn 't feel like it had been written by committee or with so many concessions to demographic or commercialism .
In modern times , it seems that the real cultural achievements are increasingly eroded by full swing commercialism and mass democracy .
At the same time , influenced by commercialism , the buildings imitating architecture styles from any times and anywhere emerge frequently .
The penetration of commercialism and postmodernism into the bodily writing is a field that feminism is reluctant to come into currently .
People in and outside Tsinghua University expressed their outrage , denouncing its authorities for allowing the university to be contaminated by commercialism .
A pro-business lobby called EthicalOil.org is urging a boycott of Chiquita 's products that is said to be costing the company a fortune .
The study found that professional media coverage biased elitist model and commercial model , newspapers for city use of the principle of moderation .
Commodity form of literary works is a reality that poets in modernist era have to face , especially those in America where commercialism dominates .
The journalistic cause after the reform and opening-up is confronted with the double problems of bureaucracy and commercialism , thus resulting in many bad phenomena .
The practice of misleading , induced by commercialism , instrumental rationality rules guide the risk of reporting activities of the media in the joint effect of the multiple pressures .
One of Feng ' s targets in his earlier films has been commercialism . including " Big Shot 's Funeral " where a film director sells his funeral to advertisers .
If political conditions in a particular overseas markets were stable enough , Britain could develop its economy through free trade alone without having to resort to formal rule or mercantilism .
This book review summarizes the crisis confronting American legal profession , such as the prevailing of legal commercialism , the degenerating of the professional ethics , and the absence of professional regulation , etc.
From the analysis on the background factors we can get the reason of their separation , which include history background ( idealism ), social background ( commercialism ) and culture background ( individuation ) .
This paper argues that the residual political authority of the media in Taiwan and a strong wave of commercialism , resulting in the generation of issues of media publicness since the lifting of the ban .
Stars are outcome , which turned out by the permeating and expanding of consumption ism in culture area . Furthermore , it is the byproduct of mass culture industry that growing up in 20 century .
But this is what distinguishes the Manchester scene from the rest of the country , says Coudrey . " Commercialism , sponsors and big labels all suck the life out of the creative side of clubbing . "
With the development of modern criticism , it is necessary to re-examine the advantages and disadvantages of nationalism , commercialism , technological professionalism and public professionalism . Classical Comment upon the Theories of the Rule of Law in Modern Britain & Dicey 's Viewpoint and Others'Critique
It concludes that commercial liberalism is a comparatively integrated research program , and with a long theoretical heritance and development , it still has important practical value today .
The Business Universalism Rule
A military spokesman says Guinea has reopened its land and air borders for commercial and humanitarian reasons .
Previous studies of trade protectionism have examined its relationship with import penetration , unemployment levels and capital intensity .
The trade and the mammonism seriously corrodes the society lives each stratification plane .