
  1. 起初安妮哭不出来。

    At first Anne couldn 't cry .

  2. 然而有些事件已经让她觉得“如此震撼以至于都哭不出来了。”

    But some incidents she found " so shocking I could not even cry . "

  3. 参加一位最好的朋友的葬礼时,一滴眼泪都哭不出来。

    Who went to the funeral of her best friend and couldn 't shed a tear .

  4. 他哭不出来。

    He could not weep .

  5. 有一次-,和他合作的一个小演员竟哭不出来。

    And the story goes & He was dealing with a child actor who simply could not cry .

  6. 至于他自己,变得绝望了,他的悲哀是属于哭不出来的那种。

    For himself , he grew desperate : his sorrow was of that kind that will not lament .

  7. 女孩心痛到哭不出来,可是再后悔也没有用了。

    The girl deplores greatly to cry not to come out , but regrets again to also don 't use .

  8. 我动不了,说不出话,甚至也哭不出来。直到她转过墙角而我再也看不见她时,我的眼泪才留下来。

    I couldn 't move , speak or even cry until she was around the corner and I could see her no more . Then the tears came .

  9. 她的面孔仿佛仍旧在说话,安德烈公爵于是感觉到,他的心灵中有一样东西猝然脱落了,他犯了无可挽救的也无法忘记的罪过。他哭不出来。

    It still seemed to say ; and Prince Andrey felt that something was being torn out of his soul , that he was guilty of a crime that he could never set right nor forget .

  10. 因此,“小男子汉”的观念控制着他哭的欲望,直到他想哭却又哭不出来。

    And so the " little man " controls his desire to cry and goes on doing so until he is unable to cry even when he wants to .