
  1. 方法:应用颈淋巴显像技术结合蓝染法及SPECT/CT同机融合技术,对21例临床NO(cNO)口腔鳞癌患者的哨位淋巴结(SentinelLymphNode,SLN)进行研究。

    METHODS : Sentinel lymph node of twenty-one patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma without clinical lymph metastasis ( cN0 ) were investigated using lymphoscintigraphy combined with methylene blue or a hybrid SPECT / CT system .

  2. 门口的警卫人员笔的站在哨位上。

    The guards stand erect on their sentry duty in the doorway .

  3. 每例发现蓝染的哨位淋巴结1~4个,平均每例每侧检出2.5个。

    There was an average of 2.5 lymph nodes per side per patient .

  4. 已经给这位哨兵布置哨位了吗?

    Has the guard been posted ?

  5. 目的:评价淋巴显像技术在口腔鳞癌哨位淋巴结活检中的价值。

    PURPOSE : To assess the clinical value of lymphoscintigraphy in detecting sentinel lymph node ( SLN ) in oral squamous cell carcinoma .

  6. 该名身份尚未得到确认的美国士兵周二在哨位上失踪,美军认为其落入了阿富汗的武装分子手中。

    The unidentified soldier vanished from his outpost on Tuesday and US military sources believe he is now in the clutches of a militant clan .